Hello, I am new to these forums and have seen many thing to interest me. As this is the forum for WW2 related games perhaps somebody may be interested in this link to this new flight sim: http://www.nightbomber.com According to the site moderators it will be available for free download or at low cost on cd. Site seems to be updated rather irregularly but there are screenshots of work in progress and a forum.
looks interesting. I bet Martin will love this. Can't seem to find a realese date though. Thanks for sharing that and welcome to the site.
Oh yes - sorry, I only just noticed this posting. Does look interesting, doesn't it ? In the meantime, 'treated' myself to a Christmas gift of the new JustFlight 'Dambusters' CFS2 add-on which has been officially sanctioned by the 617 Squadron Association. It'll take me ages to figure out how to play, but in the meantime just hear those Merlins roar ....