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Omar N. Bradley and Max Hastings

Discussion in 'WWII Books & Publications' started by Eisenhower, Nov 17, 2003.

  1. Eisenhower

    Eisenhower Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Does anyone have an opinion on Omar N. Bradley? I have taken his D-day book out from the library and was wondering whether it is worth reading. What about Max Hastings' D-day book? :confused:
  2. Martin Bull

    Martin Bull Acting Wg. Cdr

    Jun 20, 2002
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    London, England.
    General Omar N Bradley wrote two books of memoirs about his service, ' A Soldier's Story - From Tunis To The Elbe ' and then much later, ' A General's Life ' , co-written with Chay Blair.

    The first is a valuable memoir ( but not an 'easy read' ), the second displayed such anti-British sentiment that it was never published in the UK.

    Max Hastings' book 'Overlord' is a very good book to read about the Normandy campaign. He is a little too admiring of German training and equipment and critical of Allied manpower, but overall it's one of the best of the Normandy books - I'd put it just behind d'Este and Keegan.
  3. Friedrich

    Friedrich Expert

    Jan 24, 2002
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    I've not being lucky enough to find any texts by general Bradley. Hope I do some day.

    I cannot make an opinion on his books but I can make an opinion on him as a general.

    [​IMG] Then I think he was one of the best military minds of the time. He was kind of the American Montgomery; he had a supperb strategical. tactical analytical mind, cared for his soldiers and based his planning in careful, meticulous but simple plans. His nickname, the 'G.I.'s general' describes him very good, as well as that which Historians gave him, the 'father of the modern US Army'. He implanted the way officers are trained and designed mobilisation procedures for WWII and when in combat, performed very well too. [​IMG]

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