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paulkraman@gmail.com Joins War44...

Discussion in '☆☆ New Recruits ☆☆' started by Jim, Apr 6, 2008.

  1. Jim

    Jim Active Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    Welcome paulkraman@gmail.com! to war44 forums please introduce yourself by telling us where you are from, your interests in WWII or just History and how you found us.


    War44 Team
  2. paulkraman@gmail.com

    paulkraman@gmail.com New Member

    Apr 6, 2008
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    My name is Paul Kraman. I'm retired and live in Arlington, VA.

    My older brother, 1st Lt. Donald E. Kraman flew a P-47 in the IX Fighter Command in the ETO from April 1944 to February 1945 -- 86 missions -- mostly dive bombing and armed recce -- shot down two ME-109s and an FW-190. Flew the same aircraft in the 365th FG, 388th FS, C4-I, Madeline. He's a retired school teacher living in California, but not in good health. C4-I was shot down by flak on an armed recce mission near Duren, Germany on 23 February 1945. The pilot (on his first mission), 2nd Lt. Eugene D. Royer, was able to parachute safely, but was captured and a POW for a short time. He was retired and living in Indiana when I contacted him by phone a few years ago.

    I'm a history nut. I'm writing an article about the US and British air, airborne, ground and Navy units that were involved in attacking and capturing the Wehrmacht coastal batteries at Azeville and St. Marcouf in Normandy. My brother's FG was based at a temporary air strip built between the two batteries when they moved from Station #408 Beaulieu, Hants to ALG A-7A Azeville on 27 June 1944. As I've dug around on the Internet I've found more and more information about what was going on 5 June and 6 June on the Allied side and on the German side from a variety of books, articles, and web sites.

    I'm very much interested in hearing from anyone who was there or otherwise has any information -- WAR44 has been very helpful.

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