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Petain and Leval are sidelined

Discussion in 'What If - European Theater - Western Front & Atlan' started by urqh, May 16, 2003.

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  1. urqh

    urqh Tea drinking surrender monkey

    Dec 23, 2002
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    What if Petain and then Leval never appeared on the scene...

    The French opt to fight on in 1940 from their colonies? Evacuation of as much men and material possible to reinforce said colonies, what happens now..A French fleet and army in its own right willing to fight on?

    What happens to Degaule? Supplies from America shared between UK and now France, The French fleet operational in the Med..French forces in North Africa openly hostile to Italians?

    And what of the Far East? How is this going to affect Japanese conquests? Slow them down? No undefended routes through Indo China?
  2. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    That´s interesting..

    I mean when you think realistically France had lost by June 1940 but to think "For the sake of France" making peace was a fraud.I guess the British were somewhat surprised as well, yet the feeling of "Everyone for their own skin" as shown by the Brits in Dunkerque ( I´m not saying it was a bad move but I´m saying the French felt they were left on their own ) has lots to do with the politics presented at the time, I guess. As well there was not much to be gained except losses after Dunkerque.

    I don´t know if Vichy France could have existed with the Colonial Free France navy and troops existing. Hardly.

    Anyway, for the part of Mediterranean and especially Malta I believe it would have been easier as a strike in the back ( Tunis ) would have been expectable all the time.AS well no DAK.
    The Germans could not have moved their troops to Africa.

    I think the Italians would have been erased from Africa by autumn 1940 and Italy would have been in deeper trouble earlier on. Their navy was not ready or capable of the kind of action needed. No carriers, ships not with Flak weapons (?).The Mediterranean was for the Allied to capture. The U-boats could not help as the Gibraltar was all too difficult to pass.

    With colonial Free French I think some things would have been for sure:

    No Vichy France

    No DAK

    No Axis in Africa

    Faster decline of Italy



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