Hey again guys... I've got a couple threads going here but I just can't think of anywhere to post that might yield me as much good results . Again, these photo negatives all came from one man who others on the board have identified as an AOM3C. There are about 300 negatives in our possession and they were given to us as a donation to our charity... These three fellows -- are they Chaplains?
That's what I had thought but... Aren't they in American uniforms? And why the France and Czech on their pockets?
Hi SJ, I waas just mentioning that I just saw a few Chaplain pics for sale on ebay and in general, the German pics are what I collect though I do have a few with GIs in them. The only pics I have with Chaplains in them are German Army and Luftwaffe pics.
Two of these are Free French Airmen uniforms and the and of the Left is a Free Czech airman uniform. They are airmen not clergymen
Lend-Lease clothes. When I digitized the Lend-Lease documents I noted that we had sent eight salt-and-pepper sets to the Free French. I hadn't realized they left France quite that fast.
Two of the three belts are French infantry , so are the rank tabs. I'm a bit confused here as the Free French in England were regulars with their own squadrons and wore Raf uniforms with (blue spencers and Raf caps) not American uniforms. Therefore I am inclined to think these are colonial troops and got American oufits around 1943. Also they had iron pins (insignias) instead of cloth Lorraine crosses.