Hello, The horse-mounted cavalry charges against the German tanks are just a myth. The Polish armor in 1939 consisted of : 2 armored/motorized brigades, each with : 1x Vickers light tank company 2x recon TK tankettes company Independent units : 2x 7TP tank battalions 2x 7TP tank companies 1x Renault R35 battalion 3x FT17 tank companies 11 cavalry brigades and 18 infantry divisions had also 1 recon company with WZ armored cars or TK, TKS or TKF tankettes. Total : 50x Renault R35 (French 37mm SA18 gun) 135x 7TP (20 with two MG-armed turrets, 115 with a good 37mm Bofors gun) 102x FT17 (about 70 with a French 37mm SA18 gun) 34x Vickers tanks (47mm Vickers QF gun) 574x TK, TKS or TKF tankettes (24 TKS tankettes were armed with 20mm wz.38 FK-A gun) 100x armored cars (of those were armed with the French 37mm SA18 gun : 6 Peugeot, 30 armored halftracks Citroën-Kégresse wz.28, 10 armored car wz.29 close to the French Laffly 50AM, 30 armored cars wz.34 based on a Citroën-Kégresse chassis). That makes a total of 995 armored vehicles. 269 tanks, 24 tankettes and 76 armored cars equipped with 20mm, 37mm or 47mm guns = 369 vehicles armed with guns. The 37mm SA18 gun is the same than the one of the majority of the French tanks in 1940 (FT17c, R35, FCM36, most of the Hotchkiss H35 and H39). Regards, David
But the Poles did have cavalry? I have read somewhere that they were once charged at German attackers simply to buy time, although this does sound a rather callous use of troops...
Yes of course they had cavalry but the men fought dismounted with their rifles, MG, AT rifles etc. Apart from the previously detaild armored units, in 1939 they had grossly : • Infantry 30 infantry divisions + 9 reserve infantry divisions Each with : 3 infantry regiments 1 light artillery regiment 1 heavy artillery battalion (12 pieces) 1 engineer battalion 1 transmission company 1 AA battery Each infantry regiment contains : 3x infantry battalions 1x MG battalion Total : 84 infantry regiments + 6 mountain infantry regiments • Cavalry 11 cavalry brigades Each with : 3 to 4 cavalry regiments 1 light artillery squadron (12 pieces) 1 AA battery 1 engineer company several service units Each cavalry regiment contains : 4x squadron 1x MG company several service units Total : 38 cavalry regiments • Artillery Apart from the divisional artillery there were also 23x heavy artillery groups 3x super heavy artillery groups 20x siege artillery platoons The AT artillery is present as - platoons in the cavalry brigades - companies in the infantry regiments Total : Field Artillery : 1374x 75 mm Mle1897 French guns 466x 75mm Mle1902 Russian guns 900x SKODA 100 mm howitzers 254x 105 mm Schneider French guns 43x 120 mm guns 340x 155 mm Schneider French howitzers 27x very heavy 220 mm mortars AT artillery : 1200x 37 mm Bofors guns AA artillery : 306x 40 mm Bofors guns 156x 75 mm Bofors guns Regards, David
post subject 1st.polish Armoured Div. 21st.Army group. Good cartoonist too! The brigade badge adopted in August 42 was in black set on a yellow circle on a khaki rectangular background. representing the helmet and wings of the Polish cavalry which, under the leadership of King John Sobeike relieved Vienna from the Turks in 1683. SORRY ATTATCHMENT IS TOO LARGE, PITY, Great picture!
The 1 Polish Armoured Div liberated Ypres, Breda, Moerdijk and at the end took Wilhelmshaven. The Karpatians was an infantry div. and they took Monte Cassino. They were fighting in Tobruk (as a brigade) in 1941. In May 1945 Polish army in the west had about 800 tanks. On the eastern front there were two polish armies.They had about 1000 tanks. The Kosciuszko infantry div. was fighting in Berlin. No Polish soldiers were invitated on victory parades after the war. :-?
Any reason for that? Their gallantry throughout the war was something that earned them every respect.
The western allies acknowledged the communist government in Poland and the polish army in the west become "illegal" and very disturbing. At the end of the war they had to paint the polish insignia on their tanks.
Poles did have a part in operation overlord with shermans they called them the burning graves(that is not my opnion) they hade a lot to do there own air force and other stuff