Hello I am researching my father in law, John George Balcer I don't have much info on him. I believe that he was a Sergeant in the US Army & served in Burma during WWII. He was from New York, NY and I believe that he was born on 3/24/23 and died on 3/26/92. If someone has access to Fold3, I am looking for his service number. I want to request a copy of his separation document. Any information is appreciated.
Didn't find his ASN on Fold3, but did find his Enlistment date, 24 Jan 1944, and his discharge date, 7 Jun 1946. His branch of service was the US Army. His Draft card shows him living in Helena, Montana when he filled it out. His place of birth was Riverhead, Long Island, NY.
Thanks for your help. I contacted one of his sons to have him look for any information among John G. Balcer's papers that he left behind when he passed away. I didn't know that he was in Montana when he was drafted. I know my dad, Billy Hoyle lived in Columbus & Atlanta, Ga but was working for Boeing in Seattle before he went into the Army so anything is possible.
Wow, Thanks for sending that. I will share it with my wife's family. I really appreciate you taking the time & doing that for me. update: I shared with the Balcer family & they had no idea that he was ever in Montana. He was from Brooklyn, NY. I told them maybe he was trying to get away & hid from someone or something. Tip
I've been doing family genealogy the last couple years and have been surprised at how much and far my ancestors moved. Most of the time it was for work. Pre-WWII, the country was still in rough economic shape. You had to go where the work was even if it was half way across the country. Not saying that was the case with your father-in-law, but it may have been.