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Rosie the Hutt: Back on TV

Discussion in 'Free Fire Zone' started by Lias_Co_Pilot, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. Lias_Co_Pilot

    Lias_Co_Pilot Member

    May 9, 2008
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    I'm very much a fan of the variety show format, but I really think this was done to insure the variety show remains dead.

    NBC is cooking up one juicy Thanksgiving appetizer for viewers this year: Rosie O'Donnell!

    The polarizing Rosie the Hutt has inked a deal with NBC to headline an hour-long variety show/backdoor pilot to air live in prime time on Thanksgiving eve, Nov. 26.

    Appropriately titled Rosie's Variety Hour, the special will kick off with an incendiary topical monologue and feature celebrity guests, musical acts, comedy skits, and a "giant" giveaway for both the in-studio and home audiences.

    “This is a dream come true for any performer," O'Donnell said in a statement. "Old time variety, live from New York with a nod to Ed Sullivan, Carol Burnett and memories of Sonny and Cher.”

    For now, Rosie's Variety Hour is just a one-off special. But if this thing's a hit -- and, c'mon, how could it not be -- you can bet it'll become a regular fixture on NBC's schedule.

    Reaction? Looking forward to seeing Rosie back in her element? Was NBC smart to test the waters with a special as opposed to, say, a 13-episode commitment? Wondering whether Ro will ply her prime-time audience with same complimentary Ho Hos and Hi-C she did her daytime? Sound off below!
  2. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Good Ol' Boy Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    May 21, 2007
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    I'll be sure to mark my calendar so I can miss this extravaganza.

    Suffice it to say, I am not fond of this person. :mad:
  3. brndirt1

    brndirt1 Saddle Tramp

    Jul 7, 2008
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    Here's a question, is the Rosie fat because she is a lesbian, or is she a lesbian because she is fat? I don't much care on way or the other, gay or not she just isn't entertaining really.

    Since her depiction of the female third-base player in A League of Their Own, I have never enjoyed or even cared for any of her work.

    With any luck for NBC this will be so poorly received that it is a "one off".
  4. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Good Ol' Boy Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    May 21, 2007
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    Neither one is the reason I have no use for her, it's her oh so bizzarre politics that chap my butt.
  5. Lias_Co_Pilot

    Lias_Co_Pilot Member

    May 9, 2008
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    I very much think that variety shows are great, and would succeed again if you had a great duo heading up the show (along with a great cast to do skits, i.e. Sonny & Cher), but like I said here-they're indulging her and making sure the format remains dead.
  6. PzJgr

    PzJgr Drill Instructor

    Dec 19, 2000
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    Jefferson, OH
    You're not alone brother
  7. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Amen to your posts above. I've no use for that person either. Ha ha, I did get a good laugh out of the name: :rofl: "rosie the Hutt." :lol: :lol:

    I'm w/ Jeff on this one, I aint watching the show. Thanksgiving is reserved for three movies I watch evey year on that date-which are: Boys Town w/ Sencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney & Bobs Watson, Mutiny on the Bounty w/ Clark Gable and Charles Laughton & finally: Sergeant York w/ Gary Cooper & Walter Brennan.
  8. SaltyShellback

    SaltyShellback Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    -ON RANT
    For the love of all that is Holy! Why can't this opinionated, "As a gay person, (insert nonsensicle uninformed opinion here...)" :troll1:, just shut her piehole and go away? Like a bad dose of the c**p, she keeps showing back up. She does not even make a busted pimple on Carol Burnett's butt, let alone Ed Sullivan's or any other entertainer(s) of that era and before. I'm sorry folks, normally I'm not given to putting the bad mouth on people. Usually their opinions are like water off of a duck. But this one for some unknown reason drives me up a wall. Any time she shows up on the tube, my wife can't get to remote fast enough to change the channel. I'm with you guys, this is one program I will not be watching and I'm going to send NBC an e-mail explaining why. Though it is a sure fire way to ensure you don't eat too much for Thanksgiving.
    "Rosie the Hutt"-Now that's funny, I don't care who you are. Although Jabba the Hutt did serve a very important purpose in the story line. Plus I think you just insulted him, he's much better looking.

    Take care,

    Edit-Maybe a visit from the intrepid der PanzerPenguin will show the :troll1: the error of her ways.
  9. skunk works

    skunk works Ace

    Nov 12, 2005
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    It's NBC.

    I thought "her element" was Dunkin Doughnuts ?

    They want to make sure the variety show dies, (by using it to brainwash (with subliminal partisan sniping under the guise of satire) the weak minded),
    and rosie style politics lives.

    A not very well ... hidden agenda.

    A must miss.
  10. T. A. Gardner

    T. A. Gardner Genuine Chief

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Phoenix Arizona
    Rosie O'Donnell is one of those persons you hate in the grocery store check out line:

    "Hey you stupid fat cow put the GD'd National Enquirer down and unload your $%^#^&^# cart! The @#$%@# cashier is waiting on you and so are the other five people in this line!"
    To which she gives you a grimace and says something like "Well, I never!" And you say "Yea, you'er @$%@% right! Nobody in their right @Q$@#% mind would do an ugly fat @%@%^@^ like you on a fraternity bet!"
    At which point she strorms off in a huff leaving her cart and the line applauding your brash but accurate assesment of the situation. As a parting shot you add:
    "Hey fatso! You forgot your food stamps!"

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