In Britain we're almost at the end of the Sunday evening Band of Brothers reruns. Thought it seems like a good time ( with all those Chritmas boxed-set sales looming up fast ) to reflect on the series without all the surrounding 'hype' of first-time-round. For me, although the series lacks a narrative 'story' ( I know, I know, real war ain't like that ! ) the action scenes and detail remain first-class, especially in episodes like 'Carentan'. Also interesting how the various directors make a real difference. I thought one of the most memorable episodes was 'Crossroads' ( the one made as a Combat Report 'flashback' with the recurring image of the young Waffen-SS man being shot at close range ) and, surprise,surprise - that one was directed by Tom Hanks. Overall, remarkable TV and an amazing 'feel' for the European war. And my favourite veteran quote ? 'Even today, you get a real cold night - my wife'll tell ya, we'll go to bed and I'll say : Thank God I'm not in Bastogne !' What stays with you from Band of Brothers ?
Major Richard Winters depicted by Damian Lewis. He was an outstanding soldier and great leader. I wouldv'e followed him anywhere-read the book too-it fills in the blanks!!!
The Best TV series about WW2 ever made And what makes it even better from my British point of view is. That after years of Americans playing the lead role in British war movies, we get a Brit playing the lead in an American war movie
Yes, I must say that 'our Damian' did a lot better than I thought he would when I heard he'd landed the part...
I like the series, altough I think I have to let it sink in a bit until I can comment it. I think they all made a very good job. regards
From what little I have seen--only parts to two episodes--I liked it pretty much. I saw part of the episode before the flashback one, and most of the flashback episode--didnt get a chance to see any others because of my work hrs. [ 05. December 2002, 01:19 PM: Message edited by: C.Evans ]
Great battle scenes! I hate the " bold and beautiful" parts but otherwise a series that gives alot to WW2 "fans". Highly Recommendable!
In addition to him, the actors that portrayed Sgt. Martin and Liebgott were both Brits as well. There were probably more, but that's all that I recall right now.....