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Sons Of Confederate Veterans Fighting For Confederate License Plates in Florida, Texas And Kentucky

Discussion in 'Free Fire Zone' started by Dauntless, May 12, 2011.

  1. Dauntless

    Dauntless Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    Sons Of Confederate Veterans

    [​IMG] A sample of the Sons of Confederate Veterans vanity plate

    If the Sons of Confederate Veterans have their way, the South will rise again on license plates in three more southern states.
    The group, whose members trace their ancestors to the rebel cause, have rebelled against decisions in Florida, Texas and Kentucky that blocked their attempts to get Confederate imagery on vanity plates.
    As the country marks the 150th anniversary of the Civil War this year, the Florida chapter of the group is pushing to get the state legislature to permit motorists to use the tag they designed that features the words "Confederate Heritage" and the flag of the states that seceded from the Union.
    The group celebrated a partial victory earlier this year when a federal judge ruled that Florida's process for selecting specialty licenses was unconstitutional.
    "It was viewpoint discrimination," Florida Sons of Confederate Veterans Commander Douglas Dawson told AOL News in March.
    The Texas chapter is appealing the decision of the Lone Star state's Department of Motor Vehicles which rejected their bid for customized license plates and in Kentucky —a state which remained in Union hands during the Civl War — the local Sons of Confederate Veterans are considering a lawsuit to get their plates on cars.
    Drivers in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia and Tennessee can obtain vanity plates with Confederate images.
  2. Dauntless

    Dauntless Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    My military lineage goes back to the Civil War. I'm of mixed minds on this, mainly because I don't have a garage. Otherwise, I think I would do it.
  3. Sloniksp

    Sloniksp Ставка

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Why Maryland? While technically a southern state, Maryland did not join the confederate cause because Lincoln allowed MD to keep her slaves. So MD stayed with the Union.
  4. Mehar

    Mehar Ace

    Jan 21, 2009
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    There was still quite a bit of support for the Confederacy in Maryland, there was also a battle there as well.

    Maryland Campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    So while they officially did not join there was still support from the population.
  5. A-58

    A-58 Cool Dude

    Nov 13, 2008
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    Baton Rouge, Louisiana
    Sons of Confederate Veterans license plates are available here in Louisiana. I have nothing against them, and I wouldn't get one myself, but it's good that the choice is there for those who want to have them regardless what the PC @$$wipes say about them.

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