Back with the rightful owners. "Stanislawa Wasilewska was 42 when she was captured by Nazi German troops on Aug. 31, 1944 in Warsaw and sent to the women’s concentration camp at Ravensbrück. From there, she was sent to the Neuengamme forced labor camp, where she was given prisoner number 7257 and had her valuables seized. Eighty years later, Germany's Arolsen Archives returned Wasilewska's jewelry to her grandson and great-granddaughter at an emotional ceremony in Warsaw during which families of 12 Polish inmates of Nazi concentration camps were given back their confiscated belongings. Some relatives had tears in their eyes as they received the mementoes of their long-gone, often unknown family members. More such ceremonies are planned." Jewelry seized by the Nazis from Polish concentration camp prisoners is returned to families (
When sometime is stolen, title remains with the title holder. If bad title is obtained (ya bought fenced goods/stolen stuff/loot), the title holder still has a superior title and can reclaim his chattel/property. Good for the Arolsen Archives.
I love these kinds of stories. Whether it be art work or jewelry it's always good to see it returned to the rightful owners or their descendents. I can understand the emotions it brings about.