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The Capture of Adolf Hitler?

Discussion in 'Eastern Europe' started by Pawnjuice, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. Pawnjuice

    Pawnjuice Member

    Jul 13, 2011
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    I have always wondered in the hypothetical event, if the Soviet forces had captured Adolf Hitler alive and preventing his suicide during the fall of Berlin...what would have happened?

    Would have the initial capturing Russian army personnel have the control not to executer Hitler on the spot or would Adolf Hitler have been taken prisoner to face charges in Moscow?

    Does anyone know whether Stalin gave direct orders to capture Hitler alive?

    What are your thoughts?
  2. CAC

    CAC Ace of Spades

    Dec 1, 2010
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    There are a number of scenerios....One thing for sure though, Russia would not have been allowed to hang on to him...he would have faced the trials in Nuremburg and sentenced to death, the body burnt and the ashes scattered in a secret location. Today his execution would have been very public, but back then he would have been executed before the announcement. My guess he would have been trialled partially in secret, his rantings and diatribe would have been disruptive and offensive to many...
  3. Pawnjuice

    Pawnjuice Member

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Interesting thought regarding the Nuremburg Trials. The more one thinks about this subject...the more the number of scenerios come to mind.

    However, I really wonder if Hitler was captured alive by the Soviets, whether Stalin would allow Adolf Hitler to be handed over to the Western Allies to be tried and executed in Nuremburg.

    I have no facts at hand to back this up, but I get the sense, that Stalin would want Hitler's head as trophy in Moscow, due to brutality of the Barbarossa campaign. I think Stalin and the entire of Russia was looking for some payback.

    I think by this time in WWII, the cold war had essentially started and Stalin probably would not want to share the ultimate Russian goal with the Western Allies, which he did not trust or respect.
  4. CAC

    CAC Ace of Spades

    Dec 1, 2010
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    Yeah i thought thats where you were going...And i agree Stalin would have WANTED to keep him as a Russina Triumph...But it could and would have been argued that he has a debt (cumilatively greater than Russia's) that the rest of the world would want payed. I have no doubt that Stalin would be recalitrant and beligerant...partly because he was a born wa#ker, and partly as leverage to gain something in return.
    The question is: What would they allies have done if Stalin had just said "sorry he's already dead and scattered" to the allies...? My thinking would be at the time the world was tired of war and wanted a quick end...Russia may not ever have heard the end of it, but they would have gotten away with it anyway.
    Its actually and interesting question.
  5. Pawnjuice

    Pawnjuice Member

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Another option that may have been wonderful justice, would have been to simply hand Adolf Hitler over to Israeli authorities. It would be interesting to ponder what they would have done with him.

    It's truly bothersom that Adolf Hitler simply cheated and avoided consequences by simply taking poison and shooting himself.
  6. Chi-Ri

    Chi-Ri Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    I don't think the Soviets will wait till 1948 for Israel to be created and to do it such a favor ;)

  7. Victor Gomez

    Victor Gomez Ace

    Mar 19, 2010
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    I will point something out that I often do that is sometimes controversial, but I don't mean it to be. As we try to analyze the actions Nazi's took to avoid facing the justice that would come after their defeat, we often take a rational approach trying to understand their actions. In fact the act of suicide is an irrational act which I believe to be also true of Nazi teachings as well. Therefore, it is quite difficult to have a rational understanding of Hitler's suicide. This irrational act which was rational in their thinking prevented the concepts of the Nazi's from being defeated in war. Militarily they were defeated, but could not accept the defeat of their psychological indoctrination as Nazis. This was their way of falling on their sword so to speak. We know there are many neo-Nazis in the free world and a television program estimated that in Russia itself there are some 60,000 neo Nazi's today active in promoting their views against darker skinned minorities expecially in the Cacaus regions and ethnic regions of Russia. I found this to be a very interesting figure considering how robustly Stalin moved to defeat this enemy. Although it has been defeated in WWII, Nazi'ism is not defeated in practice across the world, although most intellectual views find it unacceptable, there remains many elements with a continuing Nazi view.
  8. Chi-Ri

    Chi-Ri Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    Well, 99.99% of these Russian "Nazis" have no idea of a real Nazi ideology. Nazism for them is just a way to express their protests against social situation in Russia.

  9. Victor Gomez

    Victor Gomez Ace

    Mar 19, 2010
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    According to the program on CRNT tv they are quite united in gang attacking various resident minorities about the towns and villages when they get the chance, so that is an indoctrination of hate as I see it as opposed to a protest against a social situation. They actually showed a training exercise where several of them began slapping and attacking a "would be" target. That technique has become the Nazi skin head hallmark for violence against a targeted minority in a lot of countries today.
  10. Chi-Ri

    Chi-Ri Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    Of course, I can't deny this factor. Still, if these guys had a well-paid job, social insurance, guarantee of stable future, etc., they would not join Neo-Nazi movement. So, I think economy plays its role here.

  11. Sloniksp

    Sloniksp Ставка

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Stalin would place Hitler in the Moscow zoo probably by the bathrooms with a sign that would read "Aryan" an endangered species. :)
  12. Richard

    Richard Expert

    Jan 15, 2006
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    Ha ha...You can just see that. :D

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