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The Celts in Turkey! A TW:R2 Galatia AAR

Discussion in 'Other WarGames' started by Mussolini, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. Mussolini

    Mussolini Gaming Guru WW2|ORG Editor

    Sep 10, 2000
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    Festung Colorado
    The Celts in Turkey!
    A Total War: Rome 2 Galatia AAR

    Basic Info:

    Mod: DEI (Divide et Impera)
    Faction: Galatia (Celtic)
    Difficulty: Normal

    Who are the Galatians?

    "Celts of Gallic descent, the Galatians came to settle in and dominate areas of Central Anatolia and Phyrgia. Proud warriors, famed for their skill, loyalty, and ferocity in battle, they were highly prized as
    mercenaries throughout the Hellenistic world. It was 300 Galatian Warriors that Juliuse Caesar gifted Cleopatra in 48BC as her bodyguard, such was their fearsome reputation." More from the Total War Factions Wiki: http://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Total_War:_Rome_II_-_Galatia_Faction

    The Surrounding Region:

    The Galatians of Galatia are in a very unique position: a Celtic faction surrounded by Hellenic and Arabian cultures. This will prove to be a challenge in regards to carving an empire out of Turkey - having to spread Celtic culture into areas where it does not exist with every conquest. The Seleucid Empire is only a few provinces away, controlling what is present day Syria, Iraq, Israel, etc. They are a large and powerful threat that could prove to overpower the area, especially with all of their Satraphies (Vassals).

    Immediate Goals:

    Expand! Landlocked, a port is needed in order to trade to the far reaches.As a one-city nation, fielding more than one large Army will be complicated initially. The other 3-Cities of the Province I am in will need to be taken as well, but the nearest port - controlled by Pontus - is to my North in another province. I will have to play my initial turns by ear - jump into some existing wars between my neighbors and take advantage of my location!

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