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The holocaust in Croatia (Ustasha)

Discussion in 'Eastern Europe' started by stefanos, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. stefanos

    stefanos Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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  2. Victor Gomez

    Victor Gomez Ace

    Mar 19, 2010
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    I can only speak for myself as I was raised Catholic and both my parents were and my dad fought against the atrocities. I am not a Catholic today but not over this issue. I will bring to mind an evil that I think has existed down through the ages in European History and perhaps others can comment on it as well. There is a concept of "Holy Roman Emperor" which has been the desired goal of many a leader to attain which wishes to combine the unities of government with the unities of Christian/Catholic rule which requires alliance between the Papal power and the state power. Very simply our U.S. constitution prohibits the establishment of a religion of state and I as a former Catholic revere this concept ever so much because of that title I abhor "Holy Roman Emperor". I do think that Hitler and others still held out hopes for such an endorsement and perhaps there were Catholics who were o.k. with this but I was taught the pope's only proper venue was in the spiritual realm with perhaps the exception of the Vatican properties. I think there is a lesson here for those who think "Religion in the Public Schools" is a good idea because I prefer to keep this "door" shut just because of the old concept of "Holy Roman Empire". I know this is a can of worms that may be thrown to the stump but I might as well make clear my view on this. I was not able to watch all of the above videos because of computer limitations/cost of excess downloads but did see the first one and know where it was headed.
  3. stefanos

    stefanos Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Victor read this... lea esto....
    Vatican Bank Claims

    Stepinac - Santo Patrono del Genocidio - Soldados de Cristo en el Siglo XX
    Stepinac - Santo Patrono del Genocidio
    Biografa No Autorizada Del Vaticano - 04
    Noticia sobre Artukovic
    Comienza en Zagreb el juicio contra Artukovic, el 'Himler balcánico' · ELPAÍS.com
    Comienza en Zagreb el juicio contra Artukovic, el 'Himmler balcánico'
    Protestas por la beatificación de un cardenal de la Croacia fascista · ELPAÍS.com
    Protestas por la beatificación de un cardenal de la Croacia fascista
    Iglesia y fascismo · ELPAÍS.com
    Iglesia y fascismo
    Sobre Nazis
    Sobre Nazis, Oro y Sacerdotes
    The Holocaust in The Independent State of Croatia www.HolocaustResearchProject.org
    The Holocaust in The Independent State of Croatia: Genocide between Political Religion and Religious Politics


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