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The Philidelphia Experiment

Discussion in 'What If - Other' started by Tom, Sep 16, 2006.

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  1. Tom

    Tom Member

    Sep 12, 2006
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    The eldridge really does dissapper and reappers in tokyo bay [​IMG]
  2. Historian #6

    Historian #6 Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    According to a verbal source, a former US NAval Engineering officer, the USS Eldridge was sold to the Greek Navy, who operated said ship for many years.

    The unidentifed (Sorry, I can not recall his name) the former Eldridge was substantially in good shape. There was no signed of structural overhaul, nor signs of any major damage as described in the "Philadelphia Experiment". There was some sign, the man related, of the instillation of additional electrical circuitry which evidence, possibly, being used as a test-bed for some unspecified electrical experiments.

    There is no substantiated evidence that there ever was the "Philidelphia Experiment" that seems like science fiction.

    However, in the realm of speculation, had such an experimental ship mysteriously appeared off Yokohama, I think this would have prompted the Emperor to do some hard thinking. What other super weapons were the Americans working on, soon to be released as a new terror weapon on the home islands?
  3. Roddoss72

    Roddoss72 Member

    Nov 29, 2006
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    I have heard many time from differernt sources that this experiment did indeed occur and it was successful but the radiation caused by the electro-magnatism inflicted considerable damage to those on board and the experiment was terminated.
  4. Seadog

    Seadog Member

    Oct 23, 2006
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    If there was radiation, I doubt that the ship would be usable. Microwaves would make the crew sick, but the klystron was not invented by then. Of course, it is like all tall tales. It defies physics and common sense, but someone will believe it.
  5. Roddoss72

    Roddoss72 Member

    Nov 29, 2006
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    I have a sceptical side in this one but also it bugs me that it could have happened as well.
  6. T. A. Gardner

    T. A. Gardner Genuine Chief

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Phoenix Arizona
    Of the various "conspiricy" theories and science 'ficiton' claims made over the years, the Philidelphia Experiment and the involvment of the USS Eldridge has to be one of the most flimsy ill-documented events in the lot.
    With a single exception the crew denies it occured. The logs for the Eldridge and other vessels and witnesses all show no evidence of the events. All witnesses (with the one exception) have denied it occcuring.
    The logs of other vessels in accompanyment of the principle vessels involved show that they were not even where they were claimed to be at the time of the events.
    There is just far too much documentation to demonstrate the absurdity of this particular "conspiricy theory." The whole claim is simply nonsense.
  7. chromeboomerang

    chromeboomerang New Member

    May 31, 2004
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    Well, not that I have any side to take on this, but remember Clinton was involved in selling blood from Arkansas prisoners & over 1000 Canadians died from hepatitus C & aids. Now of course all related documents mysteriously burned just after the story broke when the building myteriously burned down. The moral of the story is, if the government wants there to be no documentation or "redocumentation" of a particular event, it can well make that happen. Most americans have never heard the Clinton blood story, which again proves my point. It was front page news in Canada & yes I have seen interviews with the survivors family members & as well Arkansas prisoners who took part in the illegal operation. the Royal mounted Canadian police attempted a million dollar lawsuit against Clinton.


    Again, not side taking, only bring it up to demonstrate how media can be well controlled on this side of the border & evidence go missing like a fart in the wind should TPTB decide for it to.

    [ 28. December 2006, 01:15 AM: Message edited by: chromeboomerang ]
  8. Roddoss72

    Roddoss72 Member

    Nov 29, 2006
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    I know this is not related but think of the Warren Commision, you know the investigation into the assasination into JFK, enough said.
  9. chromeboomerang

    chromeboomerang New Member

    May 31, 2004
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    Yep. Roswell was not handled nearly as effienctly & served as a 'how not to'guide for the US gov. Pitching crap about dummies & weather balloons that neither occurred at that time or near the crashsite in question is a double dose of dummy-itis as a performance by our elected officials of the time. Over 300 people have come forward, Hmm, who should I believe? Eyewitnesses?, or a fumblebum government? Stanton Friedman has smoked all opposition on that score.



    Pay your taxes to be lied to, what a system. Did it happen? I wasn't there. Did the government lie? no doubt about it.
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