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the russian campaign, 1941-1945..

Discussion in 'Eastern Europe' started by sniper1946, Mar 11, 2010.

  1. sniper1946

    sniper1946 Expert

    Jun 11, 2009
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    taken from this site... This web page is a duplicate of my Grand Uncles photo diary of his experiences in World War II. I have attempted to present the material exactly as he prepared the original. In time, I will add links off of the original text to add my own editorial.
    Otto was captured by the Soviets in May of 1945 and spent the next six years in Soviet prison camps.
    Otto passed away on March 17, 2002

    Otto Willnaur- Page 1
  2. Nata821

    Nata821 recruit

    Apr 26, 2010
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    I strongly recommend you my mother's web site www.otvoyna.ru
    This is a non-commercial web site, which contains interesting date both on russian and english languages. There are critical articals about the events as we usually understand its' role and meaning.

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