To End All Wars is a true story and based on the book by Ernest Gordon (Bridge of the River Kwai). To End All Wars follows Scottish Soldier Ernest Gordon from his surrender at the fall of Singapore where he is thrown into a Concentration camp, to Liberation Day. It is a story of Courage, Honour and above all Forgiveness. This is probably one of the Best war films I have ever seen. It is a great film and in my opinion twenty times better than Harts War. It follows Ernest and his fellow prisoners (made up of British, Australian, New Zealand and a few American troops) as they battle the hardships of the camp. One of the most touching pieces in the film (i feel) was when a shovel is missing and a American Soldier takes the blame for the lost shovel (even though they find out there was a miscount) and is very injured. One of the scenes that touches me most is when Allied planes accidentally bomb the camp which leaves many Allied and Japanese soldiers injured. You then see the British, Australian, American and New Zealand troops helping the wounded Japanese, despite the hardships they have been through. There are some very gruesome bits though, a prime example is when a British soldier takes a blame for something and is bolted to a wooden cross and crucified. However, the film also tells of a Japanese Translator, Takashe (xant remember his first name) who says of his fondness for the British and it becomes clear that he does not want any part of what is happening. The film ends with a real clip of Ernest Gordon meeting Takashe in Thailand in 2000, just before Gordons death in 2002. The film is great and made a huge impact on me than any other war film has. Any of you seen it ? Jet
I think it didn't even appear at the movies I think it launched straight onto video. Heres a good site about it: Hope the link works
Looks interesting. I'll go see if my local video store has one to rent. ((Big Sigh))I'm still waiting to rent Schindlers List))