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Tracing the WWII battle route of the 146th Engineer Combat Batallion

Discussion in 'WWII General' started by garyrnorth, Mar 8, 2019.

  1. garyrnorth

    garyrnorth New Member

    Apr 19, 2018
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    Good Morning,
    I am a Vietnam era Vet, army MP patrol supervisor.
    My uncle was part of the WWII 146th Engineer Combat Batallion. and I am trying to trace his movements through the war.
    He would never talk about it.
    I know he landed at Normandy on D-Day where he received the Bronze Star and a Purple Heart.
    There is lots of talk online about the 146th being involved in the Battle of the Bulge...The Ardannes ??
    But that is about as far as I can find anything.
    From the war movies it appears the Engineers were very much in the heat of everything! ??
    He received another Purple heart in 1945 I believe but that is as much as I can find.
    Surely someone has mapped different divisions movements through the war.
    Any help would be very much appreciated.
    and a big thank you to all who served!!!
  2. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    The 146th Engineer Combat Battalion was attached to the 1171st Engineer Combat Group, V Corps in England prior to D-Day. They were tapped, along with the 299th Engineer Combat Battalion to provide personnel for the Special Engineer Task Force, formed in March-April 1944 to deal with the shoreline obstacle belt created by the German in early 1944. On OMAHA they formed joint Army-Navy demolition teams with nineteen Naval Combat Demolition Units. Those teams suffered probably the heaviest casualties of any units on D-Day. There are a large number of online resources for the 146th:


    146th Engineer Combat Battalion.

    Print resources include the "Green Book" The Corps of Engineers: The War Against Germany - The Corps of Engineers - The War Against Germany - U.S. Army Center of Military History

    Sid Berger's Breaching Fortress Europe: The Story of U.S. Engineers in Normandy on D-Day

    Steve Zaloga's The Devil's Garden

    My own book in my signature.
    Slipdigit likes this.
  3. JohnA.

    JohnA. recruit

    Mar 29, 2010
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    Hi, Mr. North. I've been doing research on the 146th on OMAHA since about 2004. I'm delighted to share what I've learned but sadly I don't have time right this second to relate everything I've gathered. Anyone is welcome to send a message to john_antkowiak@yahoo.com and we can compare notes : ) I can absolutely trace the unit through Europe with you as well as where it was before it left the States. I'd love to know your uncle's name; maybe I know something about him personally (but no promises; there are a lot of men whose names I'm still hearing for the first time).

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