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Two WWII movies

Discussion in 'WWII Films & TV' started by nvwilliams, Jul 15, 2003.

  1. nvwilliams

    nvwilliams recruit

    Jul 15, 2003
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    The memories of two movies have been "nagging" me for some time and I am unaware of how to discover their titles without asking the ultimate authorities. So, here goes! PLEASE HELP ME IF YOU CAN.

    I viewed these films as a child aged 7 - 9 years some time between 1950 and 1955. The films were surely produced before that date, perhaps as early as 1940. Both involved scenes from WWII and were in black and white film media.

    The first began with a one-on-one combat struggle between and American GI and a German infantryman in a building I remembered to be white with a stucco finish. The fight ended when a hand grenade thrown by the GI killed his opponent. As I recall the GI then became involved in law enforcement, but this may be totally erroneous. Initially, I thought the soldier was portrayed by Gregory Peck, but as I studied a list of his movies, I did not see anything familiar; however, I may not have seen movies in which he was not a main character.

    The second of my memories is even more vague. This seems to have involved either a spy or American/English sympathizer living in Germany during WWII. I remember scenes involving a zoo and the character being chased by dog handlers using German Shepherds. The final scene was of the character opening up his "black-out" curtains to create an inviting target for allied bombers.

    I'm reasonably certain that these were "B" grade films, but I could never be sure. If you have any idea about the titles of these movies and whether or not copies could be purchased, please let me know. Much thanks in advance for your efforts.


    Nathan V. Williams, DMD
  2. No.9

    No.9 Ace

    Nov 29, 2002
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    Welcome Nathan, I have every confidence the ladies and gentlemen here (and those who may not have made up their minds yet) will do their best to assist you. [​IMG]

  3. Carl G. E. von Mannerheim

    Carl G. E. von Mannerheim Ace

    Jul 6, 2002
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    Ouch! Heheheheheh,
    ;) [​IMG] :D [​IMG] :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes

  4. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Welcome aboard Nathan and--the second of the two movies sounds a LOT like Hannibal Brooks--which came out in the late 1960s and is in color.

    This movie revolves around the central character--a British soldier who had been captured and sent to a POW camp in Germany--possibly near Munich? I believe. Anyway, the Germans asked for volunteers to work at the local Zoo and a few British POWs volunteered to go along.

    One in particuler (Brooks) played by Oliver Reed, went to the Zoo and became an Elephant keeper. He did this job day after day when one day--the zoo was bombed and many handlers were killed or wounded as well as animals.

    Well, he (Brooks) was instructed to take "his elephant" to a railhead and go with this elephant to it's new zoo/home. He was to be escourted by two German soldiers--a Gefrieter and a Private.

    They arrive at their train but--it had just been commandeered by the Waffen SS (Standartenfuhrer von Holler, [Wolfgang Priess] )) and they had to take the elephant off the train so von Hollers luggage could be loaded.

    So then--under the orders of the Waffen SS--(von Holler) Brooks was to take his elephant by walking to I think Vienna, Austria--and the two German soldiers were to be his guards/escourts.

    They set off along with a beautiful Polish woman (who was to cook for them) and this was the start of many things.

    The German Gefreiter, was in charge of thie little "expedition," and at the end of their daily march--he went to a nearby town to get drunk and would return later to this group. The German Private was more a meek type of person and he and Brooks began to become friends.

    Well--one thing led to another and one time--the drunken Gefreiter came back to this group--threatening to shoot Brooks's elephant and Brooks was not going to allow that and attacked the gefreiter and would up accidently killing him. The German Private refused to do anything about it and so they all set off after they hid the dead Gefreiters body in a gravel pit.

    Along the way--this group had to split up--and they left the Polish lady somewhere--I forget exactly what happened.

    Anyway, the now German fugitive/deserter and Brooks had to split up with the deserter heading home to his mother and Brooks was to meet him a week later.

    Brooks met him at his house a week later (had already deposited his elephant at a vetrinarys house as the elephant cought the mumps and needed a week to get better.

    Brooks went to his "friends" house and was told he was to stay in the barn and leave the next day. His "friend" notified authorities of the escaped British POW ( and in this period of time--the dead Gefreiters body was discovered by some workers and the Waffen SS ( von Holler) was notified.

    Early the next morning--a group of Gebirgsjager Feldgendarmerie along with several German Shephards--after being notified of this POW--went in search for him. Brooks woke up to the dogs barking and saw that these soldiers were after him and he tried to escape--running and hiding in another barn--of course he was seen going to the other barn and the dogs were let loose. He barely reached the other barn closing the doors when the dogs arrived with Gegirgsjagers in tow. As he would not surrender--the jagers opened the barn doors and sent a dog into it--Brooks having armed himself with a pitchfork, and the dog charging in--pretty much impaled itsself on the pitchfork--which was painful for Brooks as he was a lover of dogs.

    He was finally captured and turned over to von Holler. Was on his way to see von Holler when he passed an open doorway and saw the Polish lady who had traveled with them--she was drinking wine with von Holler who in turn quickly closed the door. Brooks was thinking that the Polish gal had turned him in.

    He was questioned then thrown into a cell--where he saw his "friend" the one who actually turned him in. Then he found out the truth. Later that evening--a group of mixed saboteurs (escaped POWs and deserted German soldiers) found and rescued Brooks and the "friend" from von Hollers cell and they escaped.

    Does this sound familiar? :D The other--I have no clue except that it could be--The Story Of G.I. Joe which had Robert Mitchum and Burgess Meridith in the role of Ernie Pyle. This was a wartime filmed war movie and took place in Italy.

    [ 19. July 2003, 12:08 PM: Message edited by: C.Evans ]
  5. nvwilliams

    nvwilliams recruit

    Jul 15, 2003
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    Thanks for your reply, Field Marshall; however, the film you describe was made almost thirty years later than the one I am remembering. It does sound like a great movie and one that I hope to watch one day. The GI Joe movie is one that I purchased recently and I'll advise you if it is one of my memories. Thanks again.
    N. V. Williams
  6. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Quite welcome.

    I've been lucky and seen The Story Of G.I.Joe twich now on TCM. Burgess Meridith makes a convincing Ernie Pyle. The movie is like reading Ernie Pyles book: "Brave men." You get the same "feel" for this movie just like you would reading his book.

    Hannibal Brooks is an underrated movie and does not deserve to be. This movie was filmed on location--the soldiers were actual uniforms as well as badges and use period vehicles.

    It's a movie by Michael Winner whom the critic Michael Medved seems to hate. :( I have it on VHS tape somewhere and hope to find someone who'll transferr it to a CD/DVD for me as it's currently not on DVD or VHS.

    [ 19. July 2003, 12:00 PM: Message edited by: C.Evans ]

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