Updates to this section over the next week will include: More HOI II Doomsday After Action Reports A new batch of Il Duces Reviews I will be at a wedding this weekend (leave today) but a week from today should see some larger additions to the Gaming section of this forum.
Italy was awesome! Once i figure out how to resize the pics, i'll post a few here i think. That wont happen until next week or next month, since i might be getting a jump-drive this weekend (no internet access on PC with photos on them). Not too much as far as WWII stuff...picture on anzio beach (no war memorial for obvious reasons), and we were only at the monastery at Monte Cassino - got pics of Polish Memorial from a distance (but great view of surrounding are!) and of course the Anzio War Cemetary. First time i've been to one of those in Europe.
Now I wouldn't mind seeing photos of the Anzio War Cemetery. I have been to the one in Luxembourg where Patton is buried. I also visited a German cemetery not far from there where there are a lot of Waffen SS soldiers buried. Found that one by accident. It is nicely kept
Well i forgot to get the jumpdrive but i can check my email later. Should have a few in there at least. Oh well. As for the updates, i'll be doing game reviews of: Medieval Total War II Hearts of Iron II Doomsday Silent Storm IL - Sturmovik 2 - 1946 Should hopefully have these done tomorrow night at the latest. I'm also going to start a new HOI II Doomsday Campaign as the Italians and try and write it up as a story.