Hello everybody, Can anyone please tell me where the americans who took part in the Guadalcanal battle were based in the Pacific ? For instance, the 1st regiment of the 1st Marine Division ? Thanks in advance !
A good source for this campaign is Neptune's Inferno It includes a lot of background info as well as detailed descriptions of the naval battles. I think there's a thread where here where they go into more souces in particular oriented toward the ground side. For the nav air part First Team and the Guadalcanal Campaign. http://www.amazon.com/Neptunes-Inferno-U-S-Navy-Guadalcanal-ebook/dp/B004C43FXE/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1445461638&sr=1-1&keywords=neptunes+inferno http://www.amazon.com/First-Team-Guadalcanal-Campaign-November-ebook/dp/B00C4GUY3G/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1445461618&sr=1-4&keywords=first+team Amazon links inlcuded for conviennce.
Starting in mid-June 1942, the bulk of the First Marine Division was based around Wellington New Zealand. 7th Marines were in British Samoa, 1st Raider Battalion in New Caledonia, 3d Defense Battalion at Pearl harbor, 2d Marines (a 2d Division unit used to temporarily replace 7th marines) were in San Diego .
Thank you all. I have heard about bases in Brisbane (Australia) and Noumea (New Caledonia). Do you know if there were marines there en 1942 ?
The Marines 1st Division was posted in Australia after they were relieved on Guadalcanal for a well needed rest and refitting, but that was in late 1942.
The US Army's Americal Division was located at New Caledonia. The Division's 164th Infantry Regiment fought with the 1st Marine Division on Guadalcanal. The rest of the Americal Division eventually joined the 164th Infantry on Guadalcanal just before the end of 1942.