On this day, 90 years ago, on 21 February 1916 started the battle of Verdun. 6 months, and over 10 million artillery shells later, the area around Verdun resembled the moon . Both France and Germany lost some 400.000 soldiers, making Verdun the most murderous single battle ever fought between western nations. Today it is still dangerous to walk trough the woods in the Verdun area.People get killed regularily by 80 years old explosives.
Good post. Here are som additional "Horrors of War" pictures: The following are GRAPHIC IMAGES http://www.greatwar.nl/verdun/verdunlookingback.jpg http://www.avhgneuss.de/franzoe/austaus ... Verdun.jpg http://www.wereldoorlog1418.nl/warpictu ... raaf01.jpg
Well, the french army was not exactly bled to death in Verdun, as it continued to be the single most important allied army till the end of the war. Psychologically, other battles, like the failed offensives in Champagne in 1917 probably had greater consequences. But obviously the loss of 1.400.000 dead and 4.200.000 wounded soldiers(76.3 % of the mobilized soldiers were either killed or wounded) out of a male population of 20.000.000 did sligthly limit the enthusiasm to start it all over again just 20 years later, in 1939. However I seriously doubt the enthusiasm was any greater in Britain or Germany.
indeed ,in spite of the whole propaganda , there seems to have been a gasp amongst the germans to restart a war on the west with all consideration to historical circuntances this trully was Hilter's war... one man's war !... a world in flames .