As you may know me and Maverik are both wargamers and have fought two WW2 games recently. The first was an American regimental assault on St. Lo. It was a close run game with the German defenders (Maverik) causing enough losses on the Americans (Me) to win the game on points! So a victory but not a moral one as I TOOK ST. LO!!! So 1 - 0 to Maverik... For the Second game we moved to Kursk in 1943. This time I played the Germans and Meverik took the Soviets. After a long and bloody game, which saw all but one of my 3 Tiger Is being taken out, the German Nebelwerfers finallly broke the back of the Soviet counter-attack and destroyed several Soviet infanrty companies. The game was a German victory, again it was a close run thing! Although the Waffen-SS panzer Grenadier Battalion managed to take their objectives without a casualty... The rest of the Germans were not so lucky and out of a tank battalion only a couple of platoons were still running at the end. But no Russkie tanks were left. All were burning brightly!!! So as it stands its 1 - 1. Maverik is investing in some British Paras, so an Arnhem battle may be in the offing soon, but I think first it will be a return to Normandy. Maybe St. Mere Eglise? Anyone got any suggestions for a good American vs German battle we can re-fight???
Whats that saying about the victors writing the history! The peoples army will be back and crush the Nazi invaders, driving them out of our motherland....etc,etc etc. ( I could have done with more infantry!)
We could all do with MORE infantry... Not my fault they got mown down/ blown to bits/ shot by my Germans... You shoulda hid in the woods Ivan! And besides I am in the process of basing another Soviet Battalion so nxt time I can wipe out a whole division...
How about a north african setting. The Battle of Kasserine Pass. Fresh Americans against German vets.
We hope to move into Africa later in the year. We hope to be able to fight a battle in each theatre of the war at any year of the year! We wanna start in '39 and go all the way through! Trouble with Kasserine is who will want to be Yanks... Maverik, we are playing Kasserine next and YOU are the YAnkees... Dont think he will go for it... Think we may do the attack on Carpiquet airfield soon... But I like the Salerno idea... Or Hurtgen Forest maybe... Mahross, when you get over in the Autumn we may have Arnhem ready to go...
Ah good. We need to sort that out. Arnhem would be fun Still think you should make Maverik the Yanks at Kasserine
Red, would you and Maverik be interested in trying the full PKA rules? I could forward the tables. You already have the rules themselves. Let me know.
TA Gardner, Yes Please! Im sure I speak for Maverik too, we would love to try both sets! Already reading through the rules you sent me so the tables may help to sort it out in my head! Thanks! Luttich.... Now theres a thought...