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Western allies had not gone to war

Discussion in 'What If - European Theater - Western Front & Atlan' started by panzergrenadiere, Jul 20, 2001.

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  1. panzergrenadiere

    panzergrenadiere Member

    Jul 9, 2001
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    What do u think would have happened if England and France had not gone to war with Germay over Poland?

    I think the Kreigsmairne would've had much needed time to build up their forces. More panzer divisons would have been formed,plus new or improved weapons and vehicles would have been introduced.

    I think Hitler wouldn't have the control to wait till 46 to attack France he probly would have done it in 43 at the latest. I don't think there would have been a dunkirk and the battle of brition would be short lived. Thus giving Hitler the west and leaving his full forces to unleashed on the Soviet Union.
  2. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    I only have a few seconds toreply due to lib is closing.

    I think Hitler would have attacked Russia, and in a quick way. Also, Hitler would have really given them a beating.
  3. PzJgr

    PzJgr Drill Instructor

    Dec 19, 2000
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    Jefferson, OH
    I think that he would have continued on towards the east. The west was never on his list and neither was Denmark, Norway and the low countries. All of these were in response to the declaration of war from England and France. Hitler did not have the patience to wait until 43 to launch an attack on France. That was the date his generals said Germany would be ready for war and yet he did not heed their requests.
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