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What If We Used Paratroops To Take Schweinfurt and Regensburg in '43?

Discussion in 'What If - European Theater - Western Front & Atlan' started by Dook, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. Dook

    Dook Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    You named off German units. You did not detail numbers of men. I can name off units too, do you know how many men are in each unit just by name?

    Do you understand non-sequitor?

    Storming the castle with GI Joe? You're out of touch. You do realize that there's an outside?
  2. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    This is so much trash it doesn't even deserve an answer.

    Please provide an example of an invasion using similar numbers of resources where no mistakes were made, and nothing untoward or unforeseen occurred.

    Name one physicist working on the Manhattan project that didn't believe it could be achieved. The question wasn't if it could be done. the question that weighed on their minds, was that the Germans would succeed before they did. The Germans on the other hand, didn't see that the weapon could be developed in time to have any impact on their war, and therefore never really pursued it.

    Incorrect on the battleships I'm afraid. Destroyer on destroyer battles had occurred in Norway. Nary a battleship in sight, OMG! I naval battle without battleships! That is what you originally stated. You made no mention of air power. Secondly, it wasn't far-fetched. Just because an idea is unconventional for its time, does not make it far-fetched. Dropping paratroopers unsupported directly into the heart of enemy territory, however, is well beyond far-fetched.
  3. Dook

    Dook Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    You can't conduct an attack in WW2 with only radar. It just gets you close, you still have to see the target to shoot it.

    Paratroops are not a strategic weapon? You're talking semantics. I didn't say that paratroops were "strategic" weapons. They just weapons.

    Training battalions with armor and artillery are not unarmed old men and women? And they're not first or second rate troops either. They probably have some injury or some disability that moved them from the front lines or kept them from going to the front lines.

    Would there be any confusion as to what the targets would be for the paratroopers? Maybe not but there would definately be doubt about whether there really were significant numbers of paratroopers landing or whether it was just a few aircrew who had their aircraft shot up and so they were parachuting down. The initial response would probably be a small vehicle to go out and see.

    Radio sets were key for paratroops to form up? What do you tell the other guy if you don't know where you are? You have to identify something, then look at a map. Once you know where you are you move towards the rally point which would be pre-determined before the mission began, not after jump.

    Night time air drops are not as accurate as I think? The cities would be bombed before the cargo aircraft arrive, so, there would be a visual identification of the cities. The aircraft would drop the paratroops over farmland a few miles outside of the city.

    Cutting phone lines doesn't do much? That's why it's mission objective number three and not mission objective number one or two. Factories first, railroad tracks second, phone lines third, blow up bridges fourth.
  4. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    You are serious knowitall brainfart aren't you?

    I'll wager you've never seen anything more serious than a tough jar of marmelade. And it was your mama that opened it for you.
  5. Dook

    Dook Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Any complaint about mistakes at Normandy is trash? The truth hurts. Your hero's weren't as smart as you thought they were.

    I should provide an example of an invasion using similar numbers of resources where no mistakes were made? So you asked a question where you limited the answers to none because you know there has never been another invasion similar to Normandy.

    Mistakes are mistakes. It doesn't matter that we eventually won to the individual soldier who died at Omaha because Bradley wanted to keep the pressure on the German machine guns.

    I should name one physicist working on the Manhattan Project that didn't believe it could be achieved? I didn't say they didn't think it would work. I said they didn't know if they could get it done before the end of the war.

    I'm incorrect on the battleships? No, I'm not, but you probably misunderstood.

    Destroyer on destroyer battles occured in Norway? So, what does that have to do with anything?

    Dropping paratroopers into the heart of enemy territory is far fetched? Prove it. So far it's just your opinion.
  6. Dook

    Dook Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    I'm a knowitall? And you're not?

    You'd wager I've never seen anything more serious than a tough jar of marmalade? You'd lose that wager. But I haven't been in as much as some others but all that is long over and done with.

    And all you have to do is turn the jar upside down over the stove for about 20 seconds and then a child can open it.
  7. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    OMG! Brilliant plan! Of course, war winning. Amazing. Bravo! Well done.

    Is your ego sufficiently stoked, o you man of unsurpassed military genius?

    I hereby crown you armchair admiral of 2017.
  8. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Wow! Really? Please tell me more! Millions await with abated breath for your gems of wisdom.
  9. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    No, not all. The difference being, you have been unable to support your statement that Normandy was "far-fetched."

    Because you made an unsupported argument that Normandy was "far-fetched."

    Bradley's mistake (if we accept that it was one) does not make the entire operation at Normandy "far-fetched."

    No, you just stated it was "far-fetched" without any clarification whatsoever. You may have meant "before the war's end," but you did most emphatically not clarify that fact.

    No, I didn't. But you are the one that has been interpreting people literally, and failing to understand people's responses.

    An example of how you sidetrack the issue with irrelevant statements on what is far-fetched: naval battles without battleships.

    ...And the opinion of everyone else on the forum.

    We have provided counterpoints, none of which you have adequately refuted.

    Your sole argument being "But 600 flyboys went MIA! Why shouldn't lawndarts go MIA instead?"

    Because the bombing operation put more men at a lower risk with higher chances of success, than what you propose, and is a better use of resources.

    Just because there were are a collection eager-to-be-killed gravel-bashers in what ever hopeless unit you may or may not have been in, does not mean that it is good idea to send off battalions piecemeal to certain death. That is why those neither you, nor any of those PONTI you claim to have stood in the shade of, are bossing.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2017
  10. Takao

    Takao Ace

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Reading, PA
    Given the level and quality of his posts...Would that not be the Porcelain Throne admiral of 2017?
  11. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Indeed. It's been a while since we saw a similar degree of obtuse, so both titles are likely to still be open.
  12. KodiakBeer

    KodiakBeer Member

    Nov 20, 2012
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    The Arid Zone
    The other major flaw here is that we've neglected to issue the paratroopers proper bus and tram passes. If they must share taxis to get into and around town, the whole project becomes hugely expensive, especially if these troopers are Americans who will insist on tipping the drivers. No doubt these cabbies, many of whom will be Nazis, will overcharge or cheat the foreigners who will be unfamiliar with Reich currency, further adding to the cost. And don't forget, most of those drivers will knock off at odd times for their mandated sausage breaks, while the buses and trams stop running at 8pm, except for the Red Line which only runs downtown along the Goebbelshoupsterdammstrasse.

  13. von Poop

    von Poop Waspish

    Apr 21, 2006
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    Perfidious Albion
    Starting to think the whole plan's a bit unambitious.
    If we're in a world where a few hundred men can take an entire Reich city, then why not just drop Roosevelt onto the Wolf's lair with an armoured wheelchair and Hoyt-Clagwell to capture the Fuhrer and end the war altogether.
    Churchill and Stalin can simultaneously drop on the Reichchancellery with Broomhandle Mauser and PPSh to secure complete control of the rump government.

    Nice profile page there, Dook.
    Not at all ranty. ;)
    Otto, ColHessler and KodiakBeer like this.
  14. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    I was wondering why the Americans would want a new piece of British kit they were completely unfamiliar with when they had their own bazookas available? And why would they want to haul in a Boys ATR (chambered in .55 caliber BTW, not British or American .50) when they have the bazooka or PIAT to do the AT job? The Boys was considered obsolete by August 1943.
  15. Dook

    Dook Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    I have been unable to support my argument that Normandy was far fetched? Says you, but who are you? Are you anyone important? Your opinion isn't enough to even get me a McRib at McDonalds.

    The bombing missions put more men at lower risk? And to you that is better than putting less men at higher risk?

    I don't know what your last sentence means. Is that some radical secessionist French/Canadian lingo you learned from the other taxi drivers?
  16. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Yes, I did. If you were ignorant of the meanings of batallion and abteilung you should have asked. Typically those posting have some knowledge of the subject they are posting about or ask if they don't know.

    Indeed I do. However, my response did follow logically from what you said previously. That you were ignorant of the terminology does not make my statement a non sequiter, it makes you ignorant and unwilling to ask questions to clarify your understanding.

    Yes, there is quite a bit of outside outside your rather narrow-minded and deliberately ignorant POV. The reference was to a movie and your likely predilection for playing with man dolls.
  17. Dook

    Dook Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Sausage breaks and an 80's homo-stache? Yeah, you're definately a homo.
  18. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Oh my yes that is...interesting, I guess I'll have to revise my estimate of his age downward a bit.
  19. Dook

    Dook Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Everybody is ignorant compared to you. You're the most WW2 knowledgeable Canadian loving homo I've ever met on the internet.

    It must make you feel warm inside to learn about all of the exploits of real men.
  20. KodiakBeer

    KodiakBeer Member

    Nov 20, 2012
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    The Arid Zone
    We should use the term "alternate lifestyle mustache."

    Otto and RichTO90 like this.

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