I was browsing through the what if forum and I noticed that there was two different types of symbol used to show that a thread is closed. Is there any difference in meaning between the two?
I...uh...um...The English language is a confusing language...uh...er...and what...er...uh...I was saying was that I had to...uh...was the one to do the think...uh...ing about whether GroFaz would...uh...would know the answer when I should have been...uh...er...thinking about how lightning fast...he...er...ra...um would come up with the answer. Yeah, that's it.
Nice recovery sir but i think you may still have to answer to the pengiun P_twinlugers: for this one.
Otto sent it to me, asking what I thought of his Santa Claus costume. Apparently he was planning on visiting some the local old folks homes. I counseled him against it.