Which book about the Geschwaders "Wilde Sau" is the best? Jean-Yves Lorant's JG 300: A Chronicle of a Fighter Geschwader in the Battle for Germany in 2 volumes, or Willi Reschke's Jagdgeschwader 301/302 Wilde Sau: In defense of the Reich with the Bf109, Fw 190 and Ta 152? http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0976103400?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00 http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0764321307?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_sfl_title_9&smid=A22TW0KAIHAIVS Today arrived my order of the first volume of the first book mentioned, and my jaw hit the floor at the physical quality of the book (i haven't had the chance to look into it - with 9 month old twins in the house, all priorities took a 180 degree turn). The quality of the book left me astounded, it's been a long while since i saw a book as "beautiful" as this one. So by the end of the week i'll definately buy the 2nd volume. But i'm still very interested in Reschke's book.
Mr. Jean-Yves Lorant and his co-author did a superb job on both parts of this chronicle, not only on compiling the pilot's stories over many many years but in processing the photographs - some of the original prints were tiny, 2 ins by 4 ins, some were rescued from the trash, including the super rare images of Herrmann's Fw 190. One reviewer said the text had the best descriptions of air combat he'd ever read, which I thought was slightly over the top, but the two volumes have pride of place in my collection. Reschke's volume on the other hand has a lot of errors and gaps and a pretty indifferent photo selection. When he 'researched' and wrote his book, he was behind the wall in East Germany so had no access to western sources. I have much more info on the JG 300 books on my blog, link below FWIW