There is yet another new WW2 film coming out at the end of 2001 called Windtalkers, starring Nicholas Cage. There will be more info about it in this site's "films" section.
This sounds like it could be about the Navajo Indian Codetalkers??? When you know more pleaase let me know...
Like I said, go to the "films" section and go to "previews", there is a page there with production photos.
Is Penelope Cruz in that too? I saw a WW2 film preview with Nicolos Cage that seemed to go like this: Takes place in Italy...Nicolos Cage is an italian soldier...he falls in love with penelope cruz...drama ensues with battle. Seems to follow from when Italy was in the war to when italy has surrendured and germany occupies the country.
the film i was thinking about is actually called Captain Corelli's Mandolin
I found out that there are two films being made to do with the Navajo codetalkers. Oh and I guessed the answer to what you were talking about when I posted my query to you. I have the G.I.Joe figure. Since I am part Indian myself-I like it.
why do all these films have to have a background story/romance.... p*** off. I just want a true epic about war, like movies in the old days.....Bridge too far, Cross of Iron. I hate all that new stuff, except for SPR of course. war movies with female headroles are bound to be soppy.
Romances aren't my favorite either, but at least people are getting exposed to WW2. Any WW2 film is good for history. I think Enemy at the Gates and Pearl Harbor are the types of movies you are looking for, despite the romantic sub plots.
Give this 1950s color movie a try. "A Time To Love And A Time To Die" Has an excellent cast is set in the beginning and ending at the Eastern Front. A portion is romance but, its useful because it also helps bring out more essence to the story.
The thing that interests me most about Wwwwindtalkers is that it is being directed by John Woo. Perhaps the best action direct in the world today