I love video games just as much as anyone, however I love to play board games because they are much more personal. Nothing is better than invading the Ukranie and watching your friends face flush with rage as he knows there is nothing he can do about it! The table talk, wheeling and dealing that goes on over these games is almost better than the battle that takes place on the board. Any other Board game geeks out there? I collect table top war games and ofcourse I enjoy the WWII variations but most games play many. Who plays (or would like to play): Axis & Allies Axis & Allies Pacific Axis & Allies Europe Axis & Allies D-day Axis & Allies Battle of the bulge Axis & Allies Guatalcanal World at war and many many more Im sure.....
I still have my Squad Leader series in storage somewhere. I actully pulled it out a couple of years ago and tried to get my son to play but he could not fathom the idea of playing a war game on the table and not on the computer
Try Axis & Allies or even start out with the new RISK. These games LOOK much cooler to kids and it might get him interested in these games. Small boards, fat rule books and little suare tiles just scream boardom to kids. He can graduate to more complex games once you get him hooked on the basics.. Can't wait til my Son is old enough!!!
I bought Axis & Allies Battle of the bulge AND Guatalcanal and they are still in the wrapping! Its hard to find a hard core gamer around who is capable or willing to duke it out over a board for 3 hours. Im not giving up!
I enjoy playing Diplomacy. Its based off WWI though, but i enjoy it since there is absolutly no luck involved. problem is getting six others to sit down for a few hours a week to play a good with all playable countries
I still play a game called "Hetzer Sniper!","Attack!" and my miniatures Rulesets for Naval,Aerial and Land wargaming.
Ok, as I am the biggest board game geek here (I still play), Im going to start a thread based on a different game once a month. We can disscuss the pros and cons of each game and find out who plays what, discuss stratagy and maybe even hook up some Arm Chair Generals who would like to get together in their area for a game. Do you think there is any interest in this? will the other board gamers come out of the wood work?