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WW2 Era Letter Written by GI (He writes about being inside of Hitlers, Görings and Bormanns houses)

Discussion in 'Photographs and Documents' started by Heartfeltzero, Jul 12, 2023.

  1. Heartfeltzero

    Heartfeltzero Active Member

    Dec 23, 2021
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    The letter was written by Berlin Virgil Brown Jr. He was born on September 12th 1918 in Illinois. He would enlist into the military and would serve with the 496th Field Artillery Battalion, within the 13th Armored Division. He wrote this letter while in the Bavarian town of Reischach. The letter reads:

    “May 30th 1945

    In Bavaria, Germany

    Dear Grace & Chester,

    I guess maybe you will think that I done forgot, well I haven’t. I think of you often, but was not much that I could do about it. So just don’t die when you get this letter ha ha, but write me when you can. And this has been no fun as you know. I will tell you all about it when I see you, which I hope isn’t very long. And the way it looks now, it won’t be too long. We had a lot of work to do before we could get out of…

    *next page*

    here. And to we had no gas to move, what do you think of that? I don’t know if you shall be able to read this letter. For I have not done any writing for a long time, or maybe I should say much! Well to begin this letter with, or to end it what may it be. Anyway, I did see Hitlers Mountain Retreat, Hitlers, Görings, and Bormanns houses and was in them. What a place, but never got to Berlin, well anyway, I am ready to come home now. O yes, I saw and…

    *next page*

    was in the hotel platterhof at Hitlers Mountain Retreat. I am still in Bavaria Germany in a little town named Reischach, just a little place in the state of Bavaria, a hell of a place to be now. But I guess not never as bad as some of the places that I have been, not long ago, lucky i guess, just plain luck, that’s all I call it. Well anyway, it’s over with, over with, over here, but may not be over with for us, that I can not say. That we do not know. But I hope and pray that I never see days like I have seen before, you get cold then you get hot, and then…

    *next page*

    you don’t know what do do. But we did it all. It all over with. I never write and tell mamma anything about it, for she never needs to know. Well, write me if you can. I know about Chester, it’s to bad, but just saying to bad won’t do it any good I know. I don’t know of anything more that I might say, tonight , but just goodnight and good luck.

    With love
    Truly yours,
    Berlin jr.”

    Berlin would live a long life and passed away on January 16th 1997 in Illinois. He was 78.
    Slipdigit likes this.
  2. Maddog71

    Maddog71 Member

    Oct 28, 2022
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    Time travel.
    Heartfeltzero likes this.

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