If you're in the States, it's 'World War II' , if you're in the UK, it's 'After The Battle' , if you're in mainland Europe it's '39-45' . [ 16. November 2003, 02:29 PM: Message edited by: Martin Bull ]
I definatly agree with Martin Bull about the "World War II" magazine. I am subcribed and love the magazine.
"WWII" is a great magazine. I can get it in Mexico every month for $7 each (I better subscribe...) and I loved this month article of "The heroes of Bir Hacheim". What is best about the magazine are the cupons to buy books (even if it's only for the USA) But you can get Churchill's entire "WWII" for $17!!!
get After the Battle. much preferred as I have found photos pirated from other sources/archiv's in WW2 mag