Hello. I'll make a diorama about a Jeep Mb during the Pacific war. But I have some question. I can make it in Hawaii, maybe with a Navy color and machine gun? Where I can find nice picture about the Willys Navy? Thanks And Happy New Year!!!
Welcome to the forum Brizios. Here is a site that has many links about the willys jeep. History of the Jeep, both the word and the vehicle - How it got it's Jeep Name - Brian's Military Jeeps of WWII - Here is one. found it here Minnesota Wing Commemorative Air Force and another one; found at Hemmings Auto Blogs
Thanks! What you think is I put a machine gun? The diorama, is in 1/35 scale with a Tamiya Willys MB.
I have not seen a Navy Willys with a Machine Gun but does not mean it did not exist. Here is an army model with a gun and a real one
I suppose it might be possible with a CB (Seabee) battalion. They had quite a few jeeps among other vehicles and did engage in combat operations occasionally. No way to tell completely.
I'm thinking also for keep the light blue color, to make it like Shore Patrol, and so with Machine Gun... But the Seabee could be better. But the Jeep is olive drab or blue? Thanks guys!
Yes, Jeep blue, Shore Patrol scheme and Machine Gun. In Kaneohe HI. I'm not sure if paint the uniform dark blue with helmet or white.
While I seriously doubt one would see an SP jeep mounting a machine gun at Kaneohe NAS, or any other Hawaiian base for that matter (what would be the point . . . to hose down drunken sailors as they tumble off the liberty bus?), the standard uniform in the Hawaiian Islands was service whites . . . blues were a little warm for that climate. I grew up in the navy, when it was much less kinder and gentler then today, and never, never, saw any SP vehicle mounting a weapon; in fact the standard SP weapon was the billyclub. Only chasers, who sometimes were, and sometimes were not, SPs and gate guards were armed and only with the M-1911A1. And no, gate guards, when sailors and not the more commonly employed Marines or Jimmy-Legs, were not SPs. I could imagine a CB unit in a combat zone with a machine gun mounted in a jeep, but if there was such I would bet the MG was cumshaw.
Just a little trivia on how useful the jeep was in the Philippines during the aftermath of World War II. Many enterprising people used surplus WWII jeeps for public transport and 60 plus years later, the basic jeep model called the jeepney is still being used today to get around the country.