I see everyone here has at some point put up what they have, so here's mine... Making my way around and trying to get the history of the Air Force thru the transitions that in it's short exsistence has seen... Thanks!
Nicely done collection. I like your Ike Jackets. I still have two of my Fathers AF Ikes from the Korean War-but sadly, none of his A.C. stuff from WWII Plus I also still have my Grandfathers Naval Captains jacket from WWII & his WWI Doughboy Overseas cap. On the German front: I only have one tunic at this time-which is an Artillery Majors tunic with his awards included-as well as his peaked visored cap and his P-38 Holster-but no belt, breeches ot boots came in this grouping-unfortunately. I have both of his 1914 & 1939 EK1's and E2s plus his 1939 Ek2 spange-missing his 1939 EK1 spange, but I also as well have his Artillery qualification badge and his ribbon bar. I got all of this stuff from a local collector, about 12 years ago-when it was all affordable.