I am thinking of turning my HMS King George V model into a HMS Prince of Wales, but the instructions only provide instructions of painting it like KGV in Norway, 1940. Anyway, could one of you lovely people provide me with a picture of it's camouflage around the time it was sunk. Cheers.
Her you go Joe. It's the only one I got. Entering Singapore Harbor only a month or two before being sunk.
Heres a coupla shots I found of a 1/350 HMS Prince of Wales (Tamiya) someone built. I hope this helps. M o d e l W a r s h i p s . c o m - G a l l e r y
I was actually looking for a colour photographs, so thanks JCF. And the others too, for trying! Although anything better would be much appreciated, the quality of those photographs isn't very good. EDIT: actually I found this so thanks to all you guys for helping, but I found it myself . http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.bismarck-class.dk/shipmodels/british_models/pictures/powkruijf/powkruijf05.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.bismarck-class.dk/shipmodels/british_models/powkruijf.html&h=469&w=731&sz=71&hl=en&start=49&um=1&tbnid=gKcBEGA7VhC2nM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=141&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmodels%2Bof%2BHMS%2BPrince%2Bof%2Bwales%26start%3D40%26ndsp%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4RNWN_enGB249GB250%26sa%3DN