I have from what research i have been able to do on this. A Nazi officer bayonet. I would like to know a little bit more about this if anyone is capable of the information. here are the pictures. I have been able to decipher the etching on it as Ehrenpreis 1930, and underneath it Officer Agreed. Any info is greatly appreciated.
Wow, you have a really nice bayonet there Karnoff! I have never seen anything like it! Wish i could help you, but someone else will probably come along to help you
it's the short version stag handle dress bayonet, a private purchase. the soldier would have paid for this himself and had the etching done of his service/battle/division, etc.. hope this helps..
the etchings are saying its a honourary (shooting?) price won in 1930 . veteran officers ehh club JB70 . Looks a lot like the police style dress daggers , also deer horn grips and chrome eagle head in the back ..maker 'zwilling' ?? (capricorn?)
Hmm.. 1930...no Swastikas... Sorry certainly not a Nazi Officer Bayonet. - you got conned (Don't worry I just happened to be on a Nazi ramp right now - it will be over by tomorrow I guess) Regards Kruska
no! not a police bayonet, maker is clemen jung, my view is "jager regiment", and as heinrich stated! honour prize 1930, vet officer J.R.70.= infantry division unit 70, as above. which is done in old german script..army dress bayonet... with personal etching to remember , ray..
I would say that it is a nice piece to have, but it wouldn't have a real historical collectors value besides the date. In Germany probably somewhere between 50-100 Euros. Regards Kruska