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Seeking Info--522nd Fighter Bomber Squadron and 90-yr-old WWII vet

Discussion in 'Information Requests' started by shophound, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. shophound

    shophound New Member

    Jul 7, 2014
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    Hi, Forum...

    I hope you can help me.

    Over the 4th of July weekend, I had the distinct honor of meeting 90 year-old, 1st Lt. Harry R. Fisk, who enlisted in the Air Corps at Newark, NJ in 1942. I talked with him for quite awhile as he shared his war stories -- a fascinating man.

    I am trying to find any information I can for him about his squardron--or possibly identify any others that may still be living that served with him. Here is the information he provided to me with respect to his service. However, I was unable to locate a "29th Fighter Group" that was allegedly part of the 522nd Bomber Squadron from 1943 to 1944. Does anyone know if the 29th did exist? I wonder if he meant the 27th?... Anyway, here is the info Harry gave me:

    Enlisted on 17 March 1942 at Newark, NJ -- Air Corps -- He was 18 years old.
    522 Fighter Suadron, 29th Fighter Group, 12th Air Corps -- Mediterranean Theatre
    He flew 82 Combat Missions -- P-51/A36 August/Sept. 1943 to July 1944 Italy
    He was awarded the Purple Heart/Air Medal with 3 oak-leaf clusters

    If anyone can please direct me to any information on the above, I would so much appreciate it. Harry told me that he has never talked about his service publicly, but he would like to know, if at all possible whether there is anyone out there that might still be alive that may have served with him, or that could provide any information on his squadron. I told him I would find out what I could.

    I understand the 522nd Bomber Squadron was the most decorated.

    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

    Thanks in advance...
  2. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Vernon BC Canada
  3. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Vernon BC Canada

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