Ran into a gal at my local corner store. Had a lovely WW2 bun style done to her black hair. Rocking good look. Too shy to allow a picture. But here is a new thread for just that. Revival of WW2 hairstyles. Post your pics! Best approximate I could find. Hers was much nicer, much shorter, nicer styling. Not as glam / modern as this (Wedding hairdo) but closer.
The broad from American pickers is going for that style. 'Cept the ladies back in those days didn't have fat arses. Or crappy tattoos.
She looks like somebody that used to get passed around a bad biker club, and got too chunky to interest them.
Friend of mine wore an ATA uniform with her hair in Victory Rolls for Armed Forces Day last year. Looked even more stunning than usual. View attachment 22065
Nice to see you MrH. You look like a fine fellow. Some day, will pluck the courage to show this hideous mug of mine. Ever seen elephantosis?..not pretty.
Seen alot of new WW2 period or earlier films where women have more main roles than before. I think one series that is quite successful in Finland is about the British midwives who drove bicycles to help with the birth. Maybe that has something to do with it?