Hi all, I've just joined & this is my 1st post so hope it all goes ok. Basically, my dad was in 48 RM Commando and went ashore on D Day. He died in 2003 and I've just returned from a long weekend in Normandy visiting some of the sights there, and specifically looking for the place he landed. The thing is, on this forum its said that they landed by WN26 at Langrune sur mer, but the plaque & memorial for the Commando is located just a few yards from WN27, which is in St Aubin sur mer. There's only a few hundred yards between them & it looks like there's been a few changes since 1944 so it was difficult to orientate myself as to the exact point. The only thing I do know is that we had showers on and off all day and I walked on to the beach during one of the brief sunny spells. As I did so one of my friends called out to me to look up as a huge rainbow arced across the sky. She said it was my dad letting me know that he was pleased I was there ! He never actually went for sentimental displays like that so I knew better, but I have to say, it did give me quite a lift anyhow. There is a great book out about 48 RM Commando by Ken Ford called 'D Day Commando' which makes reference to 'the big house'. I thought I'd seen it and took a photo but I'm not sure. Interestingly it's the same house as features in a posting by 'Jim' of Juno beach in 1944. I've attached it below for you to compare. Anyway, here's a picture of the old fellow below, he's on the far left holding the Tommy gun.This is one of a set of 2 photos which according to my dad, were staged for the Camera. The other one is in the book but apparently the originals are held by the Imperial War Museum.
Hi Parts My grandfather was a 48 RM Commando, we were given the book by Ken Ford when it came out and I've spent so many times trying to spot my grandad! We went to the same beach that you did and phoned him up while we were there, it made his day that we were standing on the same beach that he landed on 50 years before!
48th RM Commando Hi, my father, (Sam Earl) was one of the 48th RM Commandos that landed on Juno, now 90 years old, your links to photos dont seem to work can you repost the linl please Thanks Malcolm Earl
Hello Malcolm, not sure if the images will re-appear, thou i have sent out an email to the original poster. Do you have photos of your Father btw?
Photos Malcolm /Jim, I've emailed the original pics, and am busy looking for a Troop photo I have somewhere, ( X Troop). Hope this helps.
Thank you for the pictures Charlie, after 3 years i honestly thought that the pictures would not re-appear ... :thumb: Pleasant surprise ...
Thanks to Private Parts for mailing me the picture below, he also commented on the picture which is also quoted below. "My dad is sitting 3rd from the left in the front row, and my uncle is the stern looking gent at the top right."
Some nice pictures here Private Parts, also nice to read you followed in your Fathers footsteps. Did he talk to you about his time during the invasion of Normandy?