I'm sorry if I have missed this in my search here and this was already discussed. I was wondering if anyone had any reliable sources on which warships had what color of shells? I am interested especially in verifying the Battleship Kongo's for a painting I want to do. In Thomas Cutler's book on Leyte, he stated the Yamato's shell splashes were pink, and that Kongo's were yellow. However, I read somewhere on another forum that the Kongo's was red. Any tid bits would be appreciated!
Japan 14"/45 (35.6 cm) Type A and 36 cm/45 (14") 41st Year Type states red as does wiki but sites the above as the source. www.navweaps.com/.../South_Dakota_Damage_Analysis_Introduction.pdf states the same but may have refernces. A quick look at REPORTS OF THE U.S. NAVAL TECHNICAL MISSION TO JAPAN didn't turn up anything but a more through one might. There were some reports of armor penetration test for those intereseted in them.