A video tribute to a 449th BG, 718th BS waist gunner. The two narrators in the first segment are surviving members of the crew, the other waist gunner and the navigator. Some of the aircraft photos are "generic" but many are 449th aircraft. I Believe I Can Fly: WWll 15th Air Force Tribute - YouTube
Very good Tribute video. There's always at least one picture that stands out. For me it was the one of Mr. Barrett standing on a street corner, looks like he's Home on leave, and a long way away from the War.
Richard Barrett flew 33 missions between 8 FEB 45 and 25 APR 45, most as part of the Charles Murch crew. Murch Crew | 449th Bomb Group
..would you say that is about the standard number flown per time period, for the European and Med ? 1 every 3 days? generally speaking