I'm looking for a current or nearly so version of "The Illiad" I have the old Penguin Classics translation and, while I enjoy it, the language and phrasing doesn't flow particularly well for me. Is anyone aware of a more recent translation?
These might help. Not familiar enough with them myself to comment: Englishing the Iliad: Grading Four Rival Translations | The New Yorker The English Iliad - Los Angeles Review of Books https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct...e-empty-bath&usg=AOvVaw1_zLn2zvMd1HMJ9gvuCnpC https://www.amazon.com/Iliad-Hackett-Classics-Homer/dp/0872203522
Thanks. I phrased my question rather poorly. What I meant to ask was whether anyone had read one and found it superior to the ol' Penguin.
I thought the first link was a review of several translations although I wasn't sure if the Penguin one was on the list. The others popped up looking for reviews so thought they might be of some use. I haven't looked at any of them personally though. Kind of surprised we haven't had a couple of others jump up with reviews already though.
If you're looking for something closer to the Greek and The Iliad as an epic poem rather than free verse prose, you should check out the Lattimore translation. (I believe the Penguin Classics version is Fagles' translation, which is more readable but less poetic.)
Thank you, Sir, I'll look into it. What I'm interested in, though, is a more modern English translation as prose. A few years back, translations of "Beowulf" and Gilgamesh" came out along htese lines. I'm hoping to find something like that.
The best prose versions are either the Fagles translation (1998) or the Martin Hammond translation (1988). Both have been released as Penguin Classics, the Fagles version as part of a deluxe edition along with the Odyssey and the Aeneid.