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Matrosenobergefreiter Corssen/Trieste 1943

Discussion in 'North Africa and the Mediterranean' started by izi, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. izi

    izi Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    Hi everyone,
    I am currently researching my late father,
    Herbert Alfred Alexander Corssen, 29.09.1924 Oschatz, Germany.
    His last rank was of Matrosenobergefreiter, serving with the Kriegsmarine
    2.Kompanie 22.Marinebordflakabteilung in Trieste.
    From info from the WASt his date of capture was 31.12.1943 in the Balkans. From here I have drawn a blank.
    Anyone out there have further info on the Marinbordflak or this unit during 1943.
    I have contacted NARA and requested a microfilm that may contain something and the WASt have given as much as they can. BETFOR could not help.
    I am using several forum websites so if you see any posts by izi that is me.
    Many thanks for any help given.


  2. Jan7

    Jan7 Member

    Jul 22, 2007
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    Hello Izi:

    I received two months ago this message from a German Officier:
    **removed**, because I am research on the life of the Kaleun of the U-617, Albrecht Brandi.

    Sehr geehrter Herr Jaramillo,

    herzlichen Dank für Ihre E - Mail vom 20.08.2007 nebst Anlagen, die
    mir am 23.08.2007 zur Bearbeitung zugeleitet wurde.

    Die Prüfung in unseren dafür in Frage kommenden Beständen verlief
    leider negativ, so dass ich mich außer Stande sehe, Ihnen
    Informationen zu dem gesuchten Offizier "Albrecht Brandi" zukommen zu

    Aus diesem Grund wenden Sie sich, bitte, an nachfolgend aufgeführte
    Dienststelle, die fast in Gänze sämtliche Personalunterlagen zu
    ehemaligen Marineangehörigen des Zweiten Weltkrieges verwahrt.

    Deren Adresse lautet wie folgt: Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt)


    In der Hoffnung, dass man Ihnen dort weiter helfen kann, verbleibe ich

    mit freundlichen Grüßen.
    Im Auftrag
    gez. A d o l p h, ArchHS

    I hope is in your interesting.

  3. izi

    izi Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    Muchos tahnks.
    Han intentado a esta gente, pero la única información que ella podría dar era algunas fechas y lugares y la original de mi certificado del despido de Scool del grado de los padres. Sin embargo cualquier información pequeña o pequeña es una ayuda grande. Intento traducir como puedo lo más mejor posible.
    Mira izi

  4. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    Izi did your father return from captivity after the war or is Saint Sylvester day 1943 the last news you have from him?
  5. izi

    izi Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    My father was put to work in and around the Alford area, Lincolnshire, UK.
    He stayed in England and married twice.
    We have researched POW camps in Lincs but there is no formal records of a camp. From speaking to locals we know that Germans were working in the Alford area and that they were held at Well Vale Hall in Well, Lincs. This place is now a private school who we have tried to contact but with no reply.
    From speaking to an archivist at EDEN CAMP MODERN HISTORY MUSEUM, he believes that this may have been a satellitte camp so there would be no records. I am struggling to find which British units may have captured him.



  6. izi

    izi Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    Durante mi reswearch he utilizado estos sitios. Eran ver provechoso. Pueden estar de uso a usted en usted buscan. mira izi.
    U-boat Archive / ubootwaffe.net & u-boat.info : U-Boat and Kriegsmarine History / uboat.net - The U-boat War 1939-1945 / forumaxishistory.com / Feldgrau.net research forum / www.ww2talk.com / The Wartime Memories Project - Preserving Memories of The Great War and World War Two

  7. Jan7

    Jan7 Member

    Jul 22, 2007
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    Many thanks, Izi. You must write in English, if is more easier.
    Thanks for the links;)
  8. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    I am assuming you have posted your question about your father on the many German Kriegsmarine forums ? some of them do have responses in English as I have had the pleasure of chatting with several KM experten. I think overall this is your best bet. I have noticed comments to your inquiry on several of the links you have posted the last week and feel strongly your father was part of a fixed position and then moved as his position was in jeopardy to areas farther inland. It is not unreasonable to think through the KM archiv's that your fathers unit is covered in the archiv at Freiburg via the RM filings which usually have a brief history of all KM units in the war. Accessing them may be a slight problem unless you can visit first hand. Sadly I do not have a copntenst listing for you from the KM files, and in fact my interests in the LW did not allow me to obatin a full LW listing from German contacts it is much much too large

    good luck and will observe this continued thread with the most interest......I have a friend that was a gunner on a 8.8cm Flak at Kiel and his small gun and even the batterie was moved from spot to spot around the city, his associated batterie was also posted out in the bay on a mobil dock.

    E ♫
  9. izi

    izi Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    Many thanks.
    The only German forum site I am using at the moment is
    Forum Marinearchiv but as yet have not found out much more.
    Do you know of any specific websites that are of relevance to this certain topic?



  10. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    there are at least 4 German forums, but I need to check back into my files deeply to find just which, I have over 50-60 German KM links to check, most on the U-booten and even those are not strictly about the U-boot arm, as other questions on destroyers and capital ships do come up and questions answered. at least from there one could pose the question(s) as yours is KM related and should be able to forward to the right spot. Still keep in mind when you are ready to formulate a question that you make a reference to the RM files and you may get a response to a particular number realting to KM FLAK. I do now from my feeble memory there were at least 5-6 plus FLAK of the LW in the RL filings.

    I'll try and dig through the weekend
  11. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
    Likes Received:
    I got to thinking (that is amazing)

    have you tried the KM forum on forum.axishistory.com

    join up and ask if the unit your father was in is listed in the Freiburg BA/MA RM listings

    you can obviously see that English is the preferred language. At the time I am not at all sure if # 59 is the header for the KTB listings which include FLAK of the KM. It does includ though the KTB for the S-boot flottilles and other shipping

    Erich ~ good hunting ! :wolf:
  12. izi

    izi Member

    Sep 26, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Many thanks

    Sorry for my ignorance, but could you expalin your last post clearer for me.
    I am a complete novice at this research.
    I have some posts already on Axis History.

    Kind regards


  13. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    I will try izi:

    alright if you ask thusly

    does anyone have the listings at Freiburg of the RM files ? or where they can be had in regards to your fathers Flak unit ?

    izi an example for the S-booten...........

    BA/MA RM 59/57-60 covers te KTB of the 8th S-boot Flottille and in those pages in breaks down the efforts during months and years. Again note I used the # 59 for simplicity sake

    your fathers FLAK unit is most probably under a different # , not having to do anyting with shipping

    do you follow me here ? :D incidently the KTB that I used is the abbrev for Kreigstagebuch or the daily war diary/logs
  14. izi

    izi Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    A great many thanks Erich.:p

    Greatly appreciated.:D:D:D



  15. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    Izi if, I understand correctly you are looking for the location of your father's unit in december 1943, then the place he was captured and by who and finally how he ended up in Britain in 1944 is that correct?
  16. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    I think Skipper has hit on something and izi it needs to be applied to your question, although you have already thought of this I am presuming. to get the whole picture of his FLAK unit in very brief details or however it may be covered and should be locked in the Freiburg Archiv file.

    of course another possibility and I personally have not tried to access them yet is the archiv's at Aachen and the Bundesarchiv in Berlin. maybe just maybe the info could be hiding here as well........ ?
  17. izi

    izi Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    Skipper67 & Erich, many thanks for your input.

    My father never spoke of his war service and when he died we were left a picture of him in a Kriegsmarine uniform, [my avatar]
    Thus began my search. We started with the U-Boats but it was the U-Boot-Museum in Altenbruch that informed me he was in the 'shipsartillerie'-Bordflak, many tahnks to Horst at the museum.
    I then got in touch with the Deutsche Dienstelle [WASt] who sent, my father's Entlassungs Zeugnis, [Grade School Dismissal Certificate] and in their letter was the following information:

    Very much honoured Mrs. Addenbrooke;
    Those with the war navy of led personnel records of your father are gone to the largest part lost through warfare as well as post-war events. On the basis of the gets sick person book camps of remained writing property and from records of the regional office of health and social Berlin depts of Iv/Ref. F could be determined over taking second place his military development;
    Corssen, Alfred, gives. 29.09.1924 Oschatz/Leipzig
    Service admission this in Kriegsmarine: 15.09.1942

    15.09.1942-n.v. 17. Ship trunk department, Memel,
    n.v., according to news
    from the 13.07.1943 2. Company navy board of flak department south, Naples,
    13.07.1943 - 16.07.1943 War military hospital Naples because of illness
    n.v. -31.12.1943 2. Company 22. navy board of flak department, Triest-Geignano
    Last rank: sailor-waiter-private
    your father was a long serving volunteer

    At the 31.12.1943 he came on the Balkans into British captivity, from there he was guided at the 09.04.1948 after Great Britain.

    I tried the Bundesarchiv Militarachiv who said that they did not hold records for Kriegsmarine, they advised me to try the WASt and as my father was in British captivity, try the National Archives in London, they said they have no records on German POWs as they were either sent back to Berlin or destroyed, nor is there any info at the Immigration & Nationality Directorate.

    I would like to put a history to my father, [good or bad]
    to see what kind of unit he was in and to know how he came to be captured and who by?

    I am using several forum sites but I may not have posted my questions correctly. [COMPLETE NOVICE AT RESEARCH]

    So any advice/help/guidance is greatly appreciated.



  18. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    Did your father apply for British nationality after 1948? If yes, you may try the British immigration services. Also I supposed he applied for retirment benifits and must have filled in an application file at the Bundes pension offices. If you need the address I can ask one of my friends whose father was German and who applied for this. If he did he may have filled in a curicilum with his service years. Also it would be interesting to find out where the British troops were stationed around the Gothic line and the Balkans in December 1943. By finding out about the front line we"ll have a better idea. It doubt the Balkans here would mean Tito's yougoslavia. Besides I'm not sure they would have handed their pows to the British. I believe one key would be to find the British positions. As to the Germans, I will focuss on the Geignano area first.
  19. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    well izi I can say as I have serached acousin in the Lw that you have something although very limited. In my case I was told he flew in a certain aviation school and then transferred to JG 301. A fortune for me as I have access to certain JG 301 records and it was a bigger help than WASt was ever to be.

    let's keep searching for the history of your fathers unit and if a success will further your own understanding at least where he was stationed and hopeful an exact position in the Bordflak as it could of been a ship or a mobil position that I spoke of earlier or a ocean/sea bank position in heavy flak as part of a Batterie. yes you can see many quesions to be dug into
  20. izi

    izi Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    Hi, no he never applied for British Nationality but I think he may have been claiming some form of pension.
    According to BETFOR no British or Canadian forces arrived in or around Trieste till mid 1945. However there were British forces on Vis at this time, they were raiding parties of what we now know as the SBS. There were only liason officers in Yugoslavia.
    I am trying to trace these forces that were on Vis.

    If you can supply me with the address for the benefits office it will be greatly apprecated.



    "GOTT MIT Uns"

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