Swift Current Saskatchewan Canada http://www.swiftcurrent.ca/divisions/infrastructure-operations/swift-current-airport/airport-history
It is not possible to understate the impact those signs had during WW2 recruitment drives. Google Image searches will find them in every language and in every country on both sides of the war. The opportunity to travel (especially in the dirty 30's depression) was beyond the ken of 99% of the people on planet earth. We had a local chap, a native American, who, in the late 1960's, had traveled to Vancouver, Prince George and Kamloops BC. For the locals in this town, this guy had been practically all over the known world. He could not, for the love of money, buy a cup of coffee or lunch downtown for as long as I could remember. People were so happy to just sit and listen, or prey on him for travel advice. If memory servers me correctly, he went on to be Chief, and that is no small accolade. That position is a true honorarium.