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Image Title Text
Smile Smile :) :-) (:
Wink Wink ;) :wink:
Frown Frown :(
Mad Mad :mad: >:( :@
Confused Confused :confused:
Cool Cool :cool: 8-)
Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue :p :P :-p :-P
Big Grin Big Grin :D :grin:
Eek! Eek! :eek: :o
Oops! Oops! :oops:
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes :rolleyes:
Er... what? Er... what? o_O O_o o.O O.o
$33 Patron Bucks $33 Patron Bucks :33dollarpatron:
Poppy Poppy :poppy:
Salute 1 Salute 1 :salute:
Salute 2 Salute 2 :s!: :S!:
Kilroy Kilroy :kilroy:
Free Fire Zone Whore Free Fire Zone Whore :ffzwhore: :postwhore:
I Surrender I Surrender :isurrender:
Blow Bubbles Blow Bubbles :blowbubbles:
Cheerleader Cheerleader :cheerleader:
Flip a Coin Flip a Coin :coinflip:
Flip the Birds Flip the Birds :flipthebirds:
Flip the Birds (Angry) Flip the Birds (Angry) :flipthebirds.angry:
Metal Head Metal Head :metalhead:
Pillow Sleep Pillow Sleep :pillowsleep:
Waiting Waiting :waiting:
Catch'EmAll (Pokemon) Catch'EmAll (Pokemon) :catchemall:
Green Green :green:
Invisible Invisible :invisible:
Vuvuzela Vuvuzela :vuvuzela:
WooHoo! WooHoo! :woohoo: :woohoo!:
N95 mask N95 mask :n95:
Awesome! Awesome! :awesome:
Bandit Bandit :badit:
Big Mouth Big Mouth :bigmouth:
Bored Bored :bored:
Buck-Toothed Buck-Toothed :bucktooth:
Feed Me! Feed Me! :feedme!:
Flirty Flirty :flirty:
Greedy Greedy :greedy:
Gumble Gumble :grumble:
Happy Happy :happy:
Headphones Headphones :headphones:
Horny Horny :horny:
Hungover Hungover :hungover:
Hungry Hungry :hungry:
Hypnotized Hypnotized :hypnotized:
Jedi Jedi :jedi:
Masticate Masticate :masticate: :chew:
Pirate Pirate :pirate:
Sleep Sleep :sleep: :zzz:
Ponder Ponder :ponder:
Smoke a Pipe Smoke a Pipe :pipesmoke:
XD smiley face XD smiley face :XD:
Yuck Yuck :yuck:
Yum! Yum! :yum:
Zip It Zip It :zipit:
3D Glasses 3D Glasses :3dglasses:
Air Quotes Air Quotes :airquotes:
Ass Face Ass Face :assface: :buttface:
Bastid Bastid :bastid:
Blah Blah Blah Blah :blahblah:
Blind Blind :blind:
Blindfold Blindfold :blindfold:
Cell Phone Cell Phone :cellphone:
Clap Clap :clap:
Cloud Nine Cloud Nine :cloud9:
Devil's Cloud Devil's Cloud :devilcloud: :malevolentcloud:
Cutie Cutie :cutie:
Cyclops Cyclops :cyclops:
Dance 1 Dance 1 :dance1:
Dance 2 Dance 2 :dance2:
Dance 3 Dance 3 :dance3:
Dance 4 Dance 4 :dance4:
Dazed Dazed :dazed:
Dead Dead :dead:
Drunk Drunk :drunk:
Insane Insane :insane:
Lend an Ear Lend an Ear :listen:
Liar Liar :liar:
Meditate Meditate :meditate:
Muscle Man Muscle Man :muscleman:
Nerd Nerd :nerd:
Ponce Ponce :ponce:
Rolling On the Floor Laughing Rolling On the Floor Laughing :rofl:
Shifty Shifty :shifty:
Shiner Shiner :shiner: :blackeye:
Shut Up Shut Up :shutup:
Spin Spin :spin:
w00t! w00t! :w00t:
Wail Wail :wail:
Cheers! Cheers! :cheers:
Bonklers! Bonklers! :bonklers!:
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil. See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil. :seehearspeaknoevil:
Angry Mob Angry Mob :angrymob:
Otto (Site Admin & Founder) Otto (Site Admin & Founder) :otto:
Otto's Iron Fist Otto's Iron Fist :ottoironfist:
Otto Firing a Pistol Otto Firing a Pistol :ottopistol:
Slipdigit (Site Admin) Slipdigit (Site Admin) :slipdigit:
OpanaPointer OpanaPointer :opanapointer:
Belasar Belasar :belasar:
Erich Erich :erich:
Kai Petri Kai Petri :kaipetri:
Martin Bull Martin Bull :martinbull:
Mussolini (Matt Callaghan) Mussolini (Matt Callaghan) :mattc:
Peppy Peppy :peppy:
Stefan Stefan :stefan:
Trouble - First Lady of the Forums Trouble - First Lady of the Forums :trouble:
Alfie Alfie :alfie:
Stella Stella :stella:
Mozzie Kamikaze Mozzie Kamikaze :mozzie:
PanzerPenguin PanzerPenguin :pzp: :panzerpenguin:
PanzerPenguin Twin Pistols PanzerPenguin Twin Pistols :pzp2pistols: :pzptwinpistols: :pzp2lugers: :pzptwinlugers:
PanzerPenguin mp40 Attack PanzerPenguin mp40 Attack :pzpmp40:
PanzerPenguin Chaingun Fire PanzerPenguin Chaingun Fire :pzpchaingun:
PanzerPenguin Minigun Fire PanzerPenguin Minigun Fire :pzpminigun:
PanzerPenguin Granate PanzerPenguin Granate :pzpgranate1:
Casey [Joe] Casey [Joe] :cat.Casey: :kitler1:
Monty [Martin Bull] Monty [Martin Bull] :cat.Monty:
Mr. Bingley (the Panzer Loving Feline) [Lyon] Mr. Bingley (the Panzer Loving Feline) [Lyon] :cat.MrBingley:
Armed Bear Armed Bear :armedbear:
Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler :adolf: :adolph:
Hitler Snipe Hitler Snipe :hitlersnipe:
Bullet Hole Bullet Hole :bullethole:
Explosion 1 Explosion 1 :explosion1:
Explosion 2 Explosion 2 :explosion2:
Explosion 3 Explosion 3 :explosion3:
Plastic Army Man Plastic Army Man :armyman:
Plastic Army Man 1 Plastic Army Man 1 :armyman1:
Plastic Army Man 2 Plastic Army Man 2 :armyman2:
Plastic Army Man 3 Plastic Army Man 3 :armyman3:
Plastic Army Man 4 Plastic Army Man 4 :armyman4:
Plastic Army Man 5 Plastic Army Man 5 :armyman5:
Plastic Army Man 6 Plastic Army Man 6 :armyman6:
War Thunder War Thunder :warthunder:
Golden Eagle (War Thunder) Golden Eagle (War Thunder) :goldeagle: :WT.goldeagle:
Silver Lion (War Thunder) Silver Lion (War Thunder) :silverlion: :WT.silverlion:
Talisman (War Thunder) Talisman (War Thunder) :WT.talisman:
Warbond (War Thunder) Warbond (War Thunder) :WT.warbond:
Gravity Bomb Gravity Bomb :bomb:
Mine Mine :mine:
Missile Missile :missile:
Panzerfaust Panzerfaust :wep.panzerfaust:
Steyr AUG (left) Steyr AUG (left) :SteyrAUGl:
Steyr AUG (right) Steyr AUG (right) :SteyrAUGr:
Hawker Hurricane Hawker Hurricane :air_HawkerHurricane:
M4 Sherman M4 Sherman :afv_m4sherman:
Tank Attack Tank Attack :afv_tankattack:
Crusader II Crusader II :afv_crusader2:
Humber Armoured Car Humber Armoured Car :afv_humber:
Matilda II Matilda II :afv_matilda2:
Panzer Attack Panzer Attack :afv_panzerattack:
Panther I Panther I :afv_panther:
Cruising Battleship Cruising Battleship :bbcruise:
F Bomb F Bomb :f-bomb:
NSFW (Not Suitable For Work) NSFW (Not Suitable For Work) :nsfw:
F@#% Off F@#% Off :foff: :f-off:
Ka-Pow!! Ka-Pow!! :kapow:
Bwahahahaha! Bwahahahaha! :bwahahahaha!:
Bump Bump :bump:
What a Story! What a Story! :whatastory!:
1,000 Posts! 1,000 Posts! :1000posts:
2 cents (US 1943 steel pennies) 2 cents (US 1943 steel pennies) :2cents:
404 Denied 404 Denied :404:
Banned! Banned! :banned!:
Bullshit Bullshit :bullshit: :bullsh!t:
Godwin's Law Godwin's Law :godwin:
Trump Derangement Syndrome Trump Derangement Syndrome :TDS: :trumpderangement:
O RLY? O RLY? :orly:
Tank Yew Tank Yew :tankyew:
WTF slide WTF slide :wtfslide:
No Entry Sign No Entry Sign :sign_noentry:
No Smoking Sign No Smoking Sign :sign_nosmoking:
Stop Sign Stop Sign :sign_stop:
Stop! Stop! :sign_stop!:
Under Construction Sign Under Construction Sign :sign_underconstruction:
Do Not Feed the Trolls Do Not Feed the Trolls :sign_donotfeedtrolls:
Off Topic Off Topic :sign_offtopic:
Spam Spam :sign_spam:
United Nations Peacekeeper United Nations Peacekeeper :sign_UNpeacekeeper:
Heart Heart :heart:
Broken Heart Broken Heart :brokenheart:
Heart Beat Heart Beat :heartbeat:
Illuminati Illuminati :illuminati:
Buon giorno! Buon giorno! :_buongiorno!:
Day-O! Day-O! :_day-o:
! ! :_!:
? ? :_?:
Achtung! Achtung! :_achtung:
Arg! Arg! :_arg:
covfefe covfefe :_covfefe:
Curse Curse :_curse:
Doh Doh :_doh:
Eek! Eek! :_eek:
Exclamation Exclamation :_exclamation:
Hi Hi :_hi:
I Love You I Love You :_iloveu:
Just Kiddin' Just Kiddin' :_jk:
LOL! LOL! :_lol:
No! No! :_no:
OK OK :_ok:
Oops! Oops! :_oops:
Phail Phail :_phail:
Phear der PanzerPenguin! Phear der PanzerPenguin! :_pdpzp:
Pics? Pics? :_pics:
Pwned!!!11 Pwned!!!11 :_pwned:
Rock & Roll Rock & Roll :_rock&roll:
Roll Tide! Roll Tide! :_rolltide: :_RollTide: :_rolltide!: :_RollTide!:
Sorry Sorry :_sorry:
Swear Swear :_swear:
Thanks Thanks :_thanks:
Uhhh... Uhhh... :_uhhh:
Umm...no Umm...no :_ummno:
w00t! w00t! :_w00t:
Welcome Rogue! Welcome Rogue! :_welcomerogue:
Wow! Wow! :_wow:
Wrong! Wrong! :_wrong!:
WTF? WTF? :_wtf:
WW2.ORG WW2.ORG :_ww2.org:
WW2F.com WW2F.com :_ww2f.com:
WW2N.com WW2N.com :_ww2n.com:
WW2Talk.com WW2Talk.com :_ww2talk.com:
WWII Forums WWII Forums :_wwiiforums: :_ww2forums:
WWII Network WWII Network :_wwiinetwork.com: :_ww2network.com:
Yeah! Yeah! :_yeah:
Yes! Yes! :_yes:
Za Rodinu! Za Rodinu! :_zarodinu:
Hello Kitty Hello Kitty :hellokitty: :kittywhite:
Betty Boop Betty Boop :bettyboop:
Captain America Captain America :captainamerica:
Pink Panther Pink Panther :pinkpanther:
RoboCop RoboCop :robocop:
Zombie Attack Zombie Attack :zombieattack:
Zombie I Zombie I :zombie1:
Zombie II Zombie II :zombie2:
Zombie III Zombie III :zombie3:
Meatwad Meatwad :meatwad:
Alien Alien :alien:
Barack H. Obama Barack H. Obama :barackobama: :potus44:
Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump :donaldtrump: :potus45:
Joseph R. Biden Jr. Joseph R. Biden Jr. :joebidenjr: :potus46:
Borg Smilie Borg Smilie :borg:
Court Jester Court Jester :jester:
Cylon Cylon :cylon:
Daredevil Daredevil :daredevil:
Domo-Kun Domo-Kun :domokun:
Daft Punk Daft Punk :daftpunk:
Gill-man (Creature from the Black Lagoon) Gill-man (Creature from the Black Lagoon) :gill-man: :blacklagoon:
Iron Man Iron Man :ironman:
Jack Skellington Jack Skellington :jackskellington: :skellington:
Megatron [Transformers] Megatron [Transformers] :megatron:
Optimus Prime [Transformers] Optimus Prime [Transformers] :optimusprime:
Peanuts - Charlie Brown Peanuts - Charlie Brown :charliebrown:
Peanuts - Joe Cool Peanuts - Joe Cool :joecool:
Peanuts - Snoopy Peanuts - Snoopy :snoopy:
Peanuts - Woodstock Peanuts - Woodstock :woodstock:
Peanuts - World War I Flying Ace Peanuts - World War I Flying Ace :snoopyace:
Pepe the Frog Pepe the Frog :pepe:
Santa Claus Santa Claus :santa: :santaclaus:
Sighduck Sighduck :sighduck:
Skull 1 Skull 1 :skull1:
Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog :sonic:
Star Wars - Darth Vader Star Wars - Darth Vader :darthvader:
Star Wars - Ewok 1 Star Wars - Ewok 1 :ewok1:
Star Wars - Ewok 2 Star Wars - Ewok 2 :ewok2:
Star Wars - Jawa Star Wars - Jawa :jawa:
Star Wars - R2D2 Star Wars - R2D2 :r2d2:
Star Wars - Stormtrooper Star Wars - Stormtrooper :stormtrooper:
Star Wars - Yoda Star Wars - Yoda :yoda:
Star Wars - Yoda Fight Star Wars - Yoda Fight :yodafight:
The Hulk The Hulk :hulk:
The Juggernaut The Juggernaut :juggernaut:
The Thing The Thing :thething:
Troll 1 Troll 1 :troll1:
Troll 2 Troll 2 :troll2:
Troll Face Troll Face :trollface:
Vampire Vampire :vampire:
William "B.J." Blazkowicz William "B.J." Blazkowicz :blazkowicz:
Wolf Man Wolf Man :wolfman:
Donatello - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Donatello - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle :tmntDon: :tmntDonatello:
Leonardo - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Leonardo - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle "tmntLeo" "tmntLeonardo"
Michelangelo - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Michelangelo - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle :tmntMich: :tmntMichelangelo:
Raphael - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Raphael - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle :tmntRaph: :tmntRaphael:
Pac-Man Pac-Man :pacman:
Ms. Pac-Man Ms. Pac-Man :mspacman:
Blinky (Pac-Man) Blinky (Pac-Man) :pacman-blinky:
Pinky (Pac-Man) Pinky (Pac-Man) :pacman-pinky:
Inky (Pac-Man) Inky (Pac-Man) :pacman-inky:
Clyde (Pac-Man) Clyde (Pac-Man) :pacman-clyde:
Poison Ivy Leaf Poison Ivy Leaf :poisonivyleaf: :leavesofthree:
Acorn Acorn :acorn:
Cactus Cactus :cactus:
Leaf Leaf :leaf:
Violet Violet :violet:
Four Leaf Clover Four Leaf Clover :4leafclover:
Holly Holly :holly:
Red Rose Red Rose :rose:
Tree 1 Tree 1 :tree1:
Weed Weed :weed: :hemp:
Ant Ant :ant:
Bumble Bee Bumble Bee :bumblebee:
Slug Slug :slug:
Snake Snake :snake:
Chimpanzee Chimpanzee :chimpanzee:
Owl Owl :owl:
Panda Panda :panda:
Shrimp Shrimp :shrimp:
Blobfish Blobfish :blobfish:
Mouse Mouse :mouse1:
Pig Pig :pig:
Pigling Pigling :pigling: :piglet:
Pig Walking Pig Walking :pigwalk:
Alligator Alligator :alligator:
Badger Badger :badger:
Bat 1 Bat 1 :bat1:
Bat 2 Bat 2 :bat2:
Beaver Beaver :beaver:
Butterfly Butterfly :butterfly:
Kitten Kitten :kitten:
Chicken Chicken :chicken:
Chick Chick :chick:
Clownfish Clownfish :clownfish:
Cow Cow :cow:
Cow Skull Cow Skull :cowskull:
Crab Crab :crab:
Crab 1 Crab 1 :crab1:
Crab 2 Crab 2 :crab2:
Cricket Cricket :cricket:
Puppy Puppy :puppy:
Dolphin Dolphin :dolphin:
Ferret Ferret :ferret:
Frog Frog :frog:
Goldfish 1 Goldfish 1 :goldfish1:
Goldfish 2 Goldfish 2 :goldfish2:
Tropical Fish Tropical Fish :tropicalfish:
Kiwi Bird Kiwi Bird :kiwibird:
Llama Llama :llama:
Lobster Lobster :lobster:
Loon Loon :loon:
Parrot Parrot :parrot:
Penguin Penguin :penguin:
Bunny Rabbit Bunny Rabbit :bunny:
Rhinoceros Rhinoceros :rhinoceros:
Shark Shark :shark:
Swan Swan :swan:
Turtle Turtle :turtle:
Wolf Wolf :wolf:
Refridgerator Refridgerator :refridgerator:
Ice Cube Ice Cube :icecube:
Table Knife Table Knife :tableknife:
Table Fork Table Fork :tablefork:
Table Spoon Table Spoon :tablespoon:
Chocolate Chip Cookie Chocolate Chip Cookie :cookie:
Oreo Cookie Oreo Cookie :oreo:
Gingerbead Cookie Gingerbead Cookie :gingerbreadcookie: :gingerbread:
Carrot Carrot :carrot:
Baked Turkey Baked Turkey :bakedturkey:
Chocolate Chocolate :chocolate:
Nutella Nutella :nutella:
Dorito chip Dorito chip :dorito:
Fried Shrimp Fried Shrimp :friedshrimp:
Corn Corn :corn:
Cup of Coffee Cup of Coffee :coffee:
French Fries French Fries :frenchfries:
Glass of Whisky Glass of Whisky :whisky.glass:
Pie Pie :pie:
Submarine Sandwich Submarine Sandwich :subsandwich:
Apple Apple :apple:
Blueberry Blueberry :blueberry:
Banana Banana :banana:
Broccoli Broccoli :broccoli:
Burger Burger :burger:
Cake Cake :cake:
Can of Spam Can of Spam :spam:
MRE (Meal, Ready-to-Eat) MRE (Meal, Ready-to-Eat) :MRE:
Candy Corn Candy Corn :candycorn:
Cannoli Cannoli :cannoli:
Cheese Cheese :cheese:
Cherries Cherries :cherries:
Chicken Drumstick Chicken Drumstick :drumstick:
Cup of Tea Cup of Tea :tea:
Cupcake Cupcake :cupcake:
Fortune Cookie Fortune Cookie :fortunecookie:
Fried Egg Fried Egg :friedegg:
Lemon Lemon :lemon:
Lime Lime :lime:
M&M M&M :m&m:
Ham & Jam! Ham & Jam! :hamandjam: :ham+jam:
Orange Orange :orange:
Peanut Peanut :peanut:
Pear Pear :pear:
Popcorn 1 Popcorn 1 :popcorn1:
Potato Potato :potato:
Slice of Pie Slice of Pie :pie-slice:
Slice of Pizza Slice of Pizza :pizza:
Slice of Mushroom Slice of Mushroom :mushroomslice:
Steak Steak :steak:
Fish Head Fish Head :fishhead:
Strawberry Strawberry :strawberry:
Sushi Maki Sushi Maki :sushimaki:
Toast Toast :toast:
Tomato Tomato :tomato:
Waffle Waffle :waffle:
Watermelon Watermelon :watermelon:
Fuhrerwein Fuhrerwein :fuhrerwein:
Olympic Rings Olympic Rings :olympicrings:
Gold Medal - Olympics Gold Medal - Olympics :olympicmedalGold:
Silver Medal - Olympics Silver Medal - Olympics :olympicmedalSilver:
Bronze Medal - Olympics Bronze Medal - Olympics :olympicmedalBronze:
Hockey Puck Hockey Puck :hockeypuck:
Home Plate - Baseball Home Plate - Baseball :homeplate:
8 Ball 8 Ball :8ball:
Baseball Baseball :baseball:
Basketball Basketball :basketball:
Bowling Ball Bowling Ball :bowlingball:
Football - Gridiron Football - Gridiron :football: :pigskin:
Golf Ball Golf Ball :golfball:
Tennis Ball Tennis Ball :tennisball:
Volleyball Volleyball :volleyball:
Nintendo Switch Nintendo Switch :nintendo_switch:
Six Sided Die Six Sided Die :1d6:
Atari 2600 Atari 2600 :atari2600:
Beach Ball Beach Ball :beachball:
Card Suit: Club Card Suit: Club :cardclub:
Card Suit: Diamond Card Suit: Diamond :carddiamond:
Card Suit: Heart Card Suit: Heart :cardheart:
Card Suit: Spade Card Suit: Spade :cardspade:
Card: Ace of Spades Card: Ace of Spades :aceofspades:
Chess - Black Bishop Chess - Black Bishop :chessbB:
Chess - Black King Chess - Black King :chessbK:
Chess - Black Knight Chess - Black Knight :chessbN:
Chess - Black Pawn Chess - Black Pawn :chessbP:
Chess - Black Queen Chess - Black Queen :chessbQ:
Chess - Black Rook Chess - Black Rook :chessbR:
Chess - White Bishop Chess - White Bishop :chesswB:
Chess - White King Chess - White King :chesswK:
Chess - White Knight Chess - White Knight :chesswN:
Chess - White Pawn Chess - White Pawn :chesswP:
Chess - White Queen Chess - White Queen :chesswQ:
Chess - White Rook Chess - White Rook :chesswR:
Disco Ball Disco Ball :discoball:
Marble 1 Marble 1 :marble1:
Marble 2 Marble 2 :marble2:
Poké Ball Poké Ball :pokeball:
Pokemon - Colorless Energy Pokemon - Colorless Energy :pokemon.energy.colorless:
Pokemon - Dark Energy Pokemon - Dark Energy :pokemon.energy.dark:
Pokemon - Dragon Energy Pokemon - Dragon Energy :pokemon.energy.dragon:
Pokemon - Fairy Energy Pokemon - Fairy Energy :pokemon.energy.fairy:
Pokemon - Fighting Energy Pokemon - Fighting Energy :pokemon.energy.fighting:
Pokemon - Fire Energy Pokemon - Fire Energy :pokemon.energy.fire:
Pokemon - Grass Energy Pokemon - Grass Energy :pokemon.energy.grass:
Pokemon - Lightning Energy Pokemon - Lightning Energy :pokemon.energy.lightning:
Pokemon - Metal Energy Pokemon - Metal Energy :pokemon.energy.metal:
Pokemon - Psychic Energy Pokemon - Psychic Energy :pokemon.energy.psychic:
Pokemon - Water Energy Pokemon - Water Energy :pokemon.energy.water:
Pokemon - Rainbow Energy Pokemon - Rainbow Energy :pokemon.energy.rainbow:
Viagra Viagra :rx.viagra: :viagra:
Cialis Cialis :rx.cialis:
Ambien Ambien :rx.ambien5:
Hunter Biden's Crack Pipe Hunter Biden's Crack Pipe :bidencrackpipe:
Booty Thong Booty Thong :bootythong:
Fingers Crossed Fingers Crossed :fingerscrossed: :crossedfingers:
Mano Cornuto (Horned Hand) Mano Cornuto (Horned Hand) :manocornuto:
Mano Fica (Fig Gesture) Mano Fica (Fig Gesture) :manofica:
Punch Fist Punch Fist :fistpunch: :punchfist: :punchy!:
Reminder Reminder :reminder:
Thumb Down Thumb Down :thumbdown: :thumbsdown:
Thumb Up Thumb Up :thumbup: :thumbsup:
Spell Cast Hand (left) Spell Cast Hand (left) :spellhand.left:
Spell Cast Hand (right) Spell Cast Hand (right) :spellhand.right:
Pearl Pearl :pearl:
Tombstone Tombstone :tombstone:
Australia Australia :flag_Australia:
Belgium Belgium :flag_Belgium:
Germany Germany :flag_Germany:
Germany (WWII/Nazi era) Germany (WWII/Nazi era) :flag_Germany.nazi:
New Zealand New Zealand :flag_NewZealand:
Canada (WWII era) Canada (WWII era) :flag_Canada.ww2:
Canada Canada :flag_Canada:
Finland Finland :flag_Finland:
Italy Italy :flag_Italia:
Italy (WWII era) Italy (WWII era) :flag_Italia.ww2:
Japan Japan :flag_Japan:
Naval Ensign of Japan (Rising Sun) Naval Ensign of Japan (Rising Sun) :ensign_Japan: :ensign_RisingSun:
Russia Russia :flag_Russia:
United Kingdom (Union Jack) United Kingdom (Union Jack) :flag_UnionJack:
USSR [CCCP] (WWII era) USSR [CCCP] (WWII era) :flag_USSR: :flag_CCCP:
Netherlands Netherlands :flag_Netherlands:
Portugal Portugal :flag_Portugal:
United States of America United States of America :flag_USA:
United States of America (WWII era) United States of America (WWII era) :flag_USA.ww2:
Italy - Crying Mussolini Italy - Crying Mussolini :flag_Italia.Mussocry:
Union Jack - Waving Union Jack - Waving :flag_UnionJack.wave:
United States of America - Crying Eagle United States of America - Crying Eagle :flag_USA.eaglecry:
United States of America - Waving United States of America - Waving :flag_USA.wave:
Jolly Roger Pirate Jolly Roger Pirate :flag_jollyroger:
European Union European Union :flag_EU:
Bonnie Blue Flag Bonnie Blue Flag :flag_BonnieBlue:
Black Fire Black Fire :blackfire:
Blazing Blue Ball Blazing Blue Ball :blazingblueball:
Bobble 1 Bobble 1 :bobble1:
Bobble 2 Bobble 2 :bobble2:
Bobble 3 Bobble 3 :bobble3:
Bobble 4 Bobble 4 :bobble4:
Bobble 5 Bobble 5 :bobble5:
Bobble 6 Bobble 6 :bobble6:
Bobble 7 Bobble 7 :bobble7:
Bobble 8 Bobble 8 :bobble8:
Bobble 9 Bobble 9 :bobble9:
Electric Box Electric Box :electricbox:
Magic Box Magic Box :magicbox:
Gear Turn Gear Turn :gearturn:
Hypnodisk Hypnodisk :hypnodisk:
Small Ball Bounce Small Ball Bounce :ballbounces:
Swirl Swirl :swirl:
Warp Orb I Warp Orb I :warporb1:
Warp Orb II Warp Orb II :warporb2:
Orbama Orbama :orbama:
Shooting Star Shooting Star :shootingstar: