I have noticed that every type of landing craft on D-Day had these white diamonds painted on their sides, yet I have never found out what they...
Hey everyone i am new to this forum and already have a question. I am recreating a Oberfeldwebel from the 352nd division 916th regiment but they...
PEGASUS BRIDGE AND HISTORY IN THE VICINITY I am extremely excited to continue my ‘NORMANDY’ series of articles from the 2019 trip to France. The...
My Story of D-Day June 6th 1944based on documentary footage that at first only where screened to highest military leaders, Churchill, Roosevelt...
SSGT. Ray Lambert & his brother Bill Lambert were at Omaha Beach on D-Day. [ATTACH] This may have been posted before. I thought it was worth...
"LONDON, ONT -- The Forest CIty's last living connection to the armoured regiments of D-Day has passed away. Phil Cockburn was just a few months...
am an artist working on a WWII drawing of a man’s father who was a US Navy sailor aboard LCT(5) 207 on D-Day. His name was George H. Greene and...
I am an artist working on a WWII drawing of a man’s father who was a US Navy sailor aboard LCT(5) 207 on D-Day. This sailor was firing a Browning...
Hi all Ted Owens was a commando and a sniper. He almost died on D-Day and was wounded twice more in the Netherlands. He is a fantastic...
Good evening, I fall into the stupid but savable bracket, been avoiding the grim reaper for 60 odd years, one or two close shaves but still here....
Length: 368 pages, including index I hadn't tried Kershaw until now. In this work, he follows several fighting men from both sides, including...
Does anyone know of any places in France that is still scarred from bombing or fighting in World War II? In particular, any evidence of the Allies...
D-DAY, PLUS 70 YEARS - LOYD BARRON “Like Walking Through A Shower of Rain” posted by Scott B. Thompson, Sr. June 06, 2014 D-DAY, PLUS 70 YEARS...
.. I'm going to try harder in finding more about my dad's wartime activities. I managed to unearth a lot about a Great-Uncle during the Great War...
Saw this on Facebook. It's a pretty good tune with a simple yet important message. [MEDIA]
If you have a Twitter account you can follow me @ArchivistWWII where I post great World War II-primary sources from our holdings as well as from...
Good afternoon, For the Normandy invasion, we have a painting of captured German soliders. The combat artist listed some of the soliders as from...
Hello, I am new to this site and these forums so forgive me If I have posted this on the wrong page or article. I'm fascinated by the D-Day...
Bill "The Mad Piper" Millin Bill Millin 'The Mad Piper of Normandy' Bill "The Mad Piper" Millin (1922 - 2010) - Find A Grave Memorial LotNut...