Can anyone help me find out more about this hatch I recently received? I have some ideas but would like some feedback. These are my current...
I just wanted to group a bunch of great photos of WW2 tanks and armored fighting vehicles. I'll be updating the thread a few at a time ever now...
Combining speed, armament, and armour protection, this was the best all around British designed battle tank in service in 1943. The Cromwell was...
So, which was the decisive battle or when was the real turning point? Numerous operations and battles have been referred to as the “Turning...
hi this is pooja this is a very good information.......... a. Pistols Standard weapons in the Italian infantry include a revolver...
Sergeant Norman Jackson completed his tour of 30 missions, but on the night of 26 April 1944 he volunteered to make one more sortie. The target...
The capture of a Soviet T-34 medium tank on the Eastern Front led directly to the development of the German Panzerkampfwagen V Panther, which...
This review was by Hamilton Fyfe who during the war years was renown for the reviews he wrote regarding War Books. As I have been looking...
These photos were taken at HQ, 193rd Tank Battalion in Hawaii, probably early 1944. These noncoms are wearing the non-standard combination of...
The first command vehicle in British service was the Morris 762kg/ 15cwt. This came into service in 1937 but was far too small to be of any real...
After the withdrawal of British and French forces from Dunkirk in June 1940, there was a real threat that the Germans would invade Britain once...
Welcome wessex models, Glad you have joined war44 forums. Here you can introduce yourself to the other board members. Thanks, Jim
The T-34 medium tank was a soviet union tank made in 1940. It was made to replace the BT series of fast tanks it has a variant called the A-20...
hello, this is my first post :) i got a photo from ebay the other day and i cant find out what tank it is, the ppl on the tank appear to be...
Initially envisioned as a tank that would support infantry engaged in the kind of trench-style fighting seen in World War I, the Infantry Tank...
The Light Tank M3 was used wherever the U.S. Army was involved. It proved to be a thoroughly reliable vehicle, greatly liked by its crews. To the...
Rudolf Wuester was a gunner in a Tiger with the Heavy SS-Panzer Battalion 102, in action from 10 to 30 July on Height 112 near Caen. He recalls...
Hi Guy's, I wonder if you could help? I'm putting a small tribute to my father on the family website...... My dad is 86 and has never...
Corporal Paul Beck of the 1st Battalion of the 5th German Parachute Regiment was a runner, travelling in a motorbike sidecar to carry vital...