M32 tank recovery vehicle in France, June 1944, painted in overall olive drab but with a bold pattern in field drab painted over it. The tiny...
A single British soldier of the Royal Tank Regiment mans a Vickers Carden-Loyd (otherwise known as VCL) Tankette during trials which were carried...
An aerial photograph of the Merville Battery taken in May 1944. Many bomb craters can be seen littering the area but the RAF was unable to do...
A Horsa glider being loaded with a six pounder anti-tank gun shortly before the invasion of Normandy. [IMG]
I found this in Wikipedia about the Sherman Firefly and wonder if anyone has any sources to back nay of this up? The Germans soon realized the...
Butch and Eddie O'Hare: The War Hero Whose Father Was a Partner With Gangster Al Capone. Is this an urban legend? No its very much true. Here's...
Hello there, :smirk: Im doing some research on the tragedy at slapton sand for my performing arts A-level performance. I am in a class on 10, and...
Following the German collapses in North Africa and at Stalingrad, partisan activity in almost the whole of Europe began to be much more...
This is an excellent portrait of an IS-2 heavy tank from the Polish 4th SPCzC. It is the later model with a rebuilt frontal part of the...
Both the 12-ton Sd.Kfz. 8 half-track (at right) and the 8.8cm Flak 36 it is towing are camouflaged with a dark yellow pattern over dark grey. They...
The crew members of a Soviet 85mm Model 39 anti-tank gun get ready for action. This gun was almost the equivalent of the German "88", being just a...
The first 155-mm (6.1-in) self-propelled gun produced in quantity by the Americans during World War II was the M12, a design originally known as...
The Red Army used two types of antitank rifle during World War II, both of them very distinctive for they were long and powerful rifles that both...
On 8 June, Corporal Gunton, and other Royal Engineers posted to No.32 Graves Concentration Unit in January 1944, arrived in Bayeux to begin taping...
At the outbreak of war, Éire was still a member of the then British Commonwealth but chose to remain neutral, the only such member state to do so....
Kurt Adolf Wilhelm Meyer was born at Jerxheim on 23 December 1910, the son of a factory worker. On completing his education he became a policeman;...
One of the most unsavoury senior officers of the Waffen-SS, Theodor Eicke was born in Hudingen on 17 October 1892, the son of a railway...
Born in Gandersheim on 8 March 1897, Herbert Otto Gille entered the Imperial Army as a cadet. He served in Baden Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 30...
South African Forces: Royal Natal Carabineers Date Of Bravery: 5 JUNE 1942 Gazetted: 11 September 1942 Quentin Smythe was born in Natal, South...
The 15-cm (5.9-in) German artillery rockets were the mainstay of the large number of German army Nebelwerfer (literally smoke-throwing) units,...