I would so appreciate the scanned pdfs of the 179th AARs. My father, Michael S. Davison, took command of 1st BN in early March of 1944 at Anzio.
I would really appreciate these reports as I’m trying to put together a history of my grandfather. He was a combat medic in the 179th. Stephen Lonczak was his name. Any info is much appreciated!
Trying to get after action reports and morning reports of Feb 12, 1944, and the month of may and june 1944
Good Morning Folks, In addition to numerous other, yet related pursuits, I've been attempting to learn more concerning the circumstances surrounding an combat fatality from the U.S. 179th Infantry Regiment. Although I have made some progress, I still would like to learn the details pertaining to the date he KIA ? The G.I. in question was; Pvt. Edward WILLINS, ASN 31067769, formerly of Worcester, Massachusetts. He is listed as having been assigned to: HQ Company, 2nd Battalion, 179th Infantry. [ Please note that I'm not certain whether he served with Battalion, or Regimental HQ, as all that is noted on his documents is, 'H-2' ] In either case, he is listed as having been KIA on 07 January 1945, with the 'cause of death / nature of injury' being; 'SFW, entire body'. Which in all probability indicates an direct, or 'darn close' artillery strike on his position ? Amongst all my research, I also possess an E-Mail received from this G.I.'s Nephew, who claimed to have written documentation originating from one of his fellow Soldiers, which reads as follows; "Uncle Edward & another G.I., referred to within the group as; 'Butter Cup', were both manning their Foxhole on a ridge line. Suddenly, they began receiving what the Nephew refers to as artillery fire, with one particular round making a direct hit on their Foxhole. Needless to say, we all know what the aftermath was. Unfortunately that brief paragraph was all the relative either knew, or recalled, so I was indeed pleased to receive it, however brief it may be. From what I've determined, Pvt. Willins 'should' have been positioned either in, or very near Goetzenbruck, France, just up the road from Sarrinsburg, which is also up the road from Wingen-sur-Moder, which was probably the heaviest of area battles ? So, if anyone happens to have access to either the Morning Reports, AAR's, and or any other data related to the 179th's 2nd Battalion dated either on, or around 07 JANUARY 1945, I will DEEPLY APPRECIATE hearing from them !! I will appreciate pretty much ANYTHING related to the above, as I would just love to finally be able to 'close' this particular project. THANK YOU !! Best regards, dpast32