I'm looking for a source of after action reports for B Company, 180th IR for the dates of February 14-March 15. My father, PFC (rifleman and light machine gun) Hiram Miles (Miley) Roberts was wounded by an arty round on March 3 while on the line. I'm looking forward to visiting Anzio in September and would love to spend some time in the areas he moved in. I've got the WWII 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition of "Anzio Beachhead," issued by the Center of Military History, printed by the Historical Division, War Department for the American Forces in Action series in 1948. Got all the maps, but want to dig deeper. Any help? BTW, I would be willing to copy maps from the book or look for information and respond to requests should anyone have any. Thanks again for the welcome and the help. BTW, I have a dropbox account should anyone use one to move info.
Welcome to the Forums, Carlton. You may wish to read Chapters 6 thru 8 of Cassino to the Alps from the US Army in World War II Series on HyperWar. Those chapters cover the Anzio invasion. There are also links to photos and maps.
My grandfather Rollie M. Snell was in Company G of the 180th Infantry Regiment, if anyone has any information, I'd be very interested in seeing. I also have about 2 dozen or so of his war letters scanned on here (Aug 43 to April 44 so far) and an old picture of him somewhere in Italy or France. He was never wounded but AFAIK, he received 2 silver stars. Still, I'm not too sure on that fact even. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated, and thank you for your time. <S> 1pLUs44
Dave, My uncle and namesake, 1st Lt Paul A. Doble, Company D, 180th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division was KIA on Sept 25, 1944 in and around Fremifontaine France. Any AARs or info concerning this timeframe or Company D in general would be appreciated. Thanks, Paul paulremick@remickgendron.com
Hello all, I'm brand new to this forum and I'm hoping somebody can help me out with a little family mystery. My grandfather served in WWII and was sent home after losing his right arm. Understandably, he didn't like to talk about the subject and my father said he generally refused to talk about it. As a WWII enthusiast I've always been curious about what unit he was in and any other details about his service. I'm not even sure he was in the 45th ID much less the 180th Infantry Regiment. But some of my research has led me to believe he was. I know from his induction records he was inducted into the Army on March 10, 1943. My dad overheard him talking to his brother about his training in Texas, I know the 45th was training at Camp Barkeley, Texas around the same time. I know he was sent to the Italian Front and was wounded on or around November 3, 1943 according to his hometown paper. As near as I can tell only units from two U.S. divisions were fighting that day the 34th (which I've ruled out) and the 45th and the 180th Infantry Regiment seems to make the most sense. If you can send me the AAR from that time or any other info it would be greatly appreciated. His name was Melvin H. Tinkham. He was a Pvt and his ASN was 35549501. Thanks, Evan evantinkham at gmail.com
Welcome to the forum, Evan. I changed your email to prevent spamming. I see you have done some research already, but I would suggest you start a new thread in either the Information sub-forum or the Research sub-forum. It will get more traffic that way. Good luck.
Good Morning, Dave I am helping my neighbor to try to document a Purple Heart Award for service/combat injury in May 1944 - Anzio Campaign - treated at an aid station and returned for duty a day later, subsequently left the unit for consequential medical treatment in several army hospitals, discharged at Valley Forge General Hospital. His award of the Combat Infantry Medial is well documented. He would like to receive the Purple Heart from the Army. Name is: RICHARD K. UHLER Unit: H COMPANY, 180th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division Location: North of Anzio (early May 1944) Army Serial #: 33788060. We will appreciate a search of after action reports. I am familiar with the National Archives Modern Military Records in College Park, Maryland. Would you please respond with the Records Group/Box # of the After Action Reports ? Thank you, Edw. Russell, Springfield, PA Vietnam 1968/1969. REPLY: ejr545@hotmail.com
Edward, it is a noble task you are performing for Mr. Uhler. Unfortunately, the proof that you seek is only going to be found in the Company Morning Reports available from the NPRC, St. Louis. AARs very, very seldom listed the wounds of an Enlisted Man. Moreover, I don't believe an injury, if that is what he sustained, merited the PH. I suggest you contact NPRC and ask if they still provide MRs by mail. I have heard conflicting responses on this. Dave
Obviously, it would depend on the circumstances and nature of the injury. It would have to be due to combat action. The website specifically states that they do not do mail requests. However, it won't hurt to ask. The worst that can happen is either they deny the request or ignore it. The only two options given for obtaining MRs is to either go to St. Louis yourself or hire a researcher to do it.
Today I finally found some info about my father and the company he was in and if someone could point me in the right direction to obtain some more information about what battles or where he was in WWII. The picture I found today says he was US Army Co. H, 180th Infantry and was in the Anzio Beach Head in Italy. His Army no. was 38017160. His name was Archie Melvin Gilliland. I am looking to reproduce his pins and other insignia that was on his uniform and document this for my children. Thank you for any help... much appreciated.
In the thread Requesting Copies of Military Personnel Records, there is a link to the NARA (National Archives) where you can request your father's records. There is also a way to request replacement awards & medals on the NARA website.
If you haven't already done so, I would suggest you join the 45th ID Yahoo Group, it's one of the most active I've ever seen: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/45thinfantry/ Although I haven't seen it since I'm not a member, they have a database there that may contain some good resources. Good luck with your research.
My father was 1st LT Elmer H. Jebo Commanding Officer of Company L 180th Infantry Regiment in January and February 1944. He was awarded the Silver Star for action in February 1944 and Purple Heart for wounds received in 1944 on Anzio Beach. He has since passed away and his records were lost in 1969 fire at Army Military Records Center. Could you send me a copy of the After Action Reports for January, February, and May 1944 to my email address stevenjebo@aol.com. thanks Steve
Looking for any information regarding my Grandfather of the 180th infantry regiment Company F Hoyt A Adams serial # 20828845 Thanks Darin Adams
My uncle-in-law arrived at Anzio in Feb 1944 and was assigned to F Co. Could you forward the AAR's for February and May. Thank you!
Dave, My great Uncle was killed at Anzio , May 29, 1944 as part of the 180th. If you had the AAR for this time frame I would be very greatful to see them. We visited the American Cemetary in Nettuno last year and found his gravesite. I believe we were the first of his family to ever visit. Thanks for your hard work. sal829@roadrunner.com Jay
Looking for Dave- was wondering if you could forward any after action reports for 180th infantry for March 26, 1945 and March 27th. He was killed in crossing the rhine at Worms area i believe. Looking for last details of uncle- Floyd M. Hansen (ASN 3274111) killed March 26th, 1945. Was in Co. M, 4th Platoon 180th infantry, 45th division. Buried Lorraine Cemetery St. Avold France. I have just requested his IDPF via US Army HRC, looking for more detail on operations from those reports or MA reports. Will try 45th div. yahoo as well. Thanks for any info and thanks for the great help you provide folks! KL
Dave shows up occasionally. I think your best options are either to send him an email though this site or Personal Message. I'm sure he'll respond to either.
Thanks Graybeard! I also put a message on the 180th on the research forum. I'll have to figure out how to do the Personal Message......