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270th Field Artillery Battalion

Discussion in 'Information Requests' started by Nicelyb, May 25, 2018.

  1. Nicelyb

    Nicelyb Active Member

    May 25, 2018
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    I have hit yet another lull in finding more information about the 270th, but there is hope. I recently saw where the National Archives is starting to SLOWLY allow folks into the research rooms again. Not 100% capacity, but a handful at a time for a few hours. At least it is a start.
  2. Tipnring

    Tipnring Active Member

    Jul 18, 2019
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    Northeast Florida
    I found this newspaper clipping for PFC Gerhard Steppke.

    img 4.jpeg
    Delaware County Daily Times Chester, Pennsylvania 01 Feb 1945, Thu • Page 23

    Screen Shot 2021-07-21 at 6.18.14 PM.png
    Gerhard P Steppke
    in the U.S., World War II Hospital Admission Card Files, 1942-1954
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2021
    Nicelyb likes this.
  3. Nicelyb

    Nicelyb Active Member

    May 25, 2018
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    Thanks for the info Tipnring! The amount of information that others access that I never seem to find is amazing. Again, thanks for posting.
    Tipnring likes this.
  4. Nicelyb

    Nicelyb Active Member

    May 25, 2018
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    My mom just texted these pics of my Grandfathers shaving mirror he was issued. She found them in a box while cleaning out a closet.

    Attached Files:

    Tipnring likes this.
  5. Nicelyb

    Nicelyb Active Member

    May 25, 2018
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    During the initial activation of the unit at Camp Butner there were 3 separate waves of enlisted men assigned from 3 different bases. Camp Wolter TX, Camp Beauregard LA and Ft Sam Houston Tx. What would those transfer orders be called? Could I possibly find them in the St Louis Archives or would that be at NARA in Maryland?
  6. Nicelyb

    Nicelyb Active Member

    May 25, 2018
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    You guys never cease to amaze me with what you can find or already know, so here is one I have no idea on where to start searching for the answer. Is this gun part of the 270th FA Bn, ETO?
    Know of a database that has nicknames of guns?

    Attached Files:

  7. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    About the only thing you can guess is it is Battery B and the second piece issued to the gun section.
  8. Nicelyb

    Nicelyb Active Member

    May 25, 2018
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    Here is the latest updates to the personnel roster I have been able to piece together. COVID sure doesn't help with researching things. Hope 2022 brings better luck.
    270th FA personnel as best as I can make it.

    CPT Bernard Adams (C Btry CDR)
    Margarito Alvarez (A Btry)
    CPL Herman “Tom” Anderson (A Btry)
    Freddie Andres (A Btry)
    1LT Eugene Anspach (Motor Officer, Liaison Pilot/Observer shot down over Germany KIA 1Jan ’45)
    MAJ Luther Arnold (Bn XO)
    PFC Merle Arnold (Ammo Handler A Btry)
    Ward Ashford (B Btry Survey Team)
    SSG Edwin (EE) Atteberry Sr (After the war was commissioned as a LT in the Texas NG.)
    TEC5 Frank Baker
    TEC4 Delbert Ballengee (HQ Btry FDC Instrument Operator, Commissioned in Reserves and retired as a CPT, Instructed at the FA School, FSOK)
    Morris Barker (C Btry Instrument Section later transferred to Pilot Training and was commissioned as a 2LT. Shot down and was a POW)
    PVT Roger Baribeault
    TEC5 William Basham
    2LT William Battin
    TEC4 Herbert Baumann (Bronze Star)
    CPL Harry Bennett
    CPL Dan Bloom (C Btry, Survey Team)
    2LT Ambrose Boles
    George Bolton
    Henry “Cecil” Borne
    John W. Bradshaw (A Btry)
    PFC J.B. Brantley (C Btry Wire Section)
    Brewster Branz
    John Bready (B Btry Survey Team)
    Charles Breeding (A Btry)
    John Bristow
    SGT William Brooks
    Raul Buentello (A Btry)
    SSG Robert E. Burgoyne
    PFC J.B. Burlison (B Btry)
    Obadiah Burns
    Pat Burns (A Btry)
    Robert F Byrnes
    George Canales (A Btry)
    Jack Carbary ( A Btry Motor Sgt)
    SGT Donald E. Carter (HQ Btry Wire Section)
    _____ Catnell
    PVT Oscar Chandler (Taxicab robbery @ Camp Butner)
    Edwin Chastain (A Btry)
    CPT Angelo Cicciu (Btry XO)
    SGT John Coke (A Btry, Intel Plt)
    Aubrey Cole
    Norman B. Collins (A Btry)
    Charles Conrod (A Btry)
    TEC4 Charles Cormendy ( A Btry Gun Mechanic)
    Loren Cook (A Btry)
    Raymond Couchman (A Btry)
    MAJ Paul Culberson (Hq Btry CDR)
    1SG Merle Cummings ( A Btry 1SG)
    James Currie
    PFC Ernest R. Dailey (C Btry)
    Frank Daly Jr. (A Btry)
    David W. Davis (A Btry)
    Adam Dittenbir
    John T. Doughty
    ______ DeMercy (Commo / Wire Section)
    PFC Roy Denman (Medic)
    Guy R. Dulin (A Btry)
    Daniel J. Dunn (A Btry)
    2LT Fidel Dunne
    Jesse Dyess (HQ Btry Vehicle Mechanic) (See audio interview link below)
    Clovis Z. Edwards (A Btry)
    John Eitson
    2LT Duane Ellingham
    Calvin C. Elmore (A Btry)
    1LT LaVerne Emberts (Liaison Pilot shot down over Germany KIA 2 Jan ’45) (Buried Plot1, Row5, Grave 14 Luxembourg Cemetery Luxembourg)
    2LT Frank Esosito (Asst. Bn S2 and Survey Officer, Aerial Observer)
    ______ Faircloth
    Walter Ferens (A Btry)
    Edward Fielder (A Btry)
    CPT Howard Fillmer (HQ Btry CDR and COMO)
    ________ Fletcher
    Luis A. Flores (A Btry)
    Edward E. Foster Jr. (A Btry)
    Bennie Foster (A Btry)
    Arlon Fowler (A Btry)
    2LT Louis Fulop
    LTC James C. Gabriel (Bn CDR)
    TEC4 Chester Gemsbok
    PFC Robert Gittinger
    PFC Peter Giussago (B Btry)
    PFC William R. Gooch
    Alfred H. Gonzales (A Btry)
    Raul Gonzales (Medic)
    Eddie Graham (A Btry)
    CPL James Graves (C Btry, Survey Team)
    John W. Greene (A Btry)
    Peter Giussago
    2LT Charles Gurganus
    2LT Louis Haberkorn
    Raymond Hall (Medic)
    PVT Hall (Field Survey Instrumentation)
    Lewis S. Hammonds (A Btry)
    MAJ Robert Hannah (Bn S3)
    CPT Stone Harris
    TEC5 William Harvey (WIA Aug ’44 enemy aircraft strafing) (C Btry Crane Operator)
    1LT Lloyd R. Hawley (A Btry XO)
    TEC5 John Heath
    Eliot Herman
    Rojelio O. Hernandez ( A Btry Machine Gunner)
    TEC5 Bernard Hillebrandt (Medic)
    John W. Hinton (A Btry)
    TEC5 Jack Hodges
    SGT John Hollebeek (A Btry)
    SSG Fred S. Hopson (A Btry Forward Observer)
    R.E. “Red” Horton
    MAJ George Howze (Asst S3 and A Battery CDR) (Captured Bn’s first POWs 8ea on 8 Aug 44)
    Elmer (Eugene) Hughes
    1LT John Hummer (Asst. Bn S2 and Survey Officer) (KIA 1430hrs 15 Nov ’44 by enemy mortar fire near city of Thionville on the East bank of Moselle River)
    Paul Hummer
    Buell Hunter (A Btry)
    TEC5 Lavern Hunter (B Btry)
    Pablo H. Infante (A Btry)
    J.P. Issacs (A Btry)
    John F. Jett (A Btry)
    ___ Johns
    Esias J. Johnson (A Btry)
    Billy H. Jordan (A Btry)
    Louis Kawacha (Field Survey Instrumentation)
    CPL C.P. Kelly
    PFC James Kidwell (C Btry, Survey Team)
    CPT Howard Kingston
    2LT Phillip Klatman
    Lester R. Kluting (A Btry)
    2LT Gerald Knackstedt (A Btry)
    Walter S. Kohl (A Btry)
    1LT Cyrille John LaBlanc (Aerial Observer / Liaison Pilot)
    CPT Dudok Langerak (Bn S4 and CO of Svc Btry)
    James E. Langford (A Btry)
    2LT Arthur Larsen
    CPL Louis Leal (.50 Cal MG squad)
    William M. “Max” Lee (A Btry)
    2LT Alvan Levenson
    William Kelly “Dub” Lewis (Hq Btry)
    TEC4 Wayne Lidgard (WIA Aug ’44 enemy aircraft strafing) (C Btry Crane Operator)
    CPL William Loftin
    CPL Phillip Loyacano
    _______ Luker
    2LT Charles Madden (A Btry)
    ______ _Manecia
    Tec5 George Marcak (Purple Heart wounded 31 July 1943 New Georgie Island prior to joining unit on 23 Nov 1943)
    CWO Robert Martin (Bn S1 / Adjutant)
    Francis C. Martines (A Btry)
    Bacilio V. Martinez (A Btry)
    PFC Marcos Martinez
    Estarislado L. Mauricio (A Btry)
    Anthony J. Mele (A Btry)
    Bell F. McCann
    Carlton L. McCray (A Btry)
    Charlie R. McClain (A Btry)
    S/SGT Robert McDonald
    Burl “Mac” McGraw
    ____ McKinght
    Anthony Mele (A Btry)
    William A. Meyers (A Btry)
    Jerry Michalsky (A Btry)
    CPT Roger P Michels (Bn Surgeon)
    2LT Gray O. Miller
    Johnie W. Morgan (A Btry)
    TEC4 Kenneth Moore (Medic)
    2LT Carrol N. Morris (A Btry)
    Phillip Morris
    Perry Moye (A Btry)
    Bert A. Mullen (A Btry)
    Buck Mullens (A Btry Ammo SGT)
    Marion W. Mullican
    Wilson Mullican (A Btry)
    CPT Paul Murphy ( Svc Btry CDR and Bn Motor Officer)
    Benjamin Nale (A Btry)
    CPL Phillip Narcomy
    Billy J. Neal (A Btry)
    PVT Gilbert Nelson (Taxicab robbery @ Camp Butner)
    Harold F. Nickel (A Btry Motor Sgt)
    Ray F. Noble (A Btry)
    James O’Brien (C Btry, Survey Team)
    August Oprzadek (A Btry Cook)
    John Panks III (Field Survey Instrumentation)
    John Parker
    ______ Parks
    Roger A. Parsels (A Btry Clerk)
    S/SGT Aylmer Patterson
    Frank H. Patterson (A Btry)
    PFC John Parker (C Btry, Survey Team)
    CPT Fred B. Perry (A Btry CDR)
    Alvis E. Peters (A Btry)
    PFC Arthur Petri (Medic)
    2LT August Walter Pfluger (B Btry)
    Gilberto Pineda ( C Btry)
    Lawrence R. Potts (A Btry Machine Gunner)
    Robert Presser (A Btry)
    Joe A. Pyle “AKA Muscles” (A Btry)
    Regino Ramirez ( A Btry Gun Crew)
    Oscar R. Ramos (ABtry)
    S/SGT Edward J. Raetz (A Bytry Survey Section Chief Battlefield Commissioned to 2nd Lt 17 Feb ’45)
    CPT Robert Ray ( Bn S2 and A Btry CDR)
    TEC5 Archie Roberts (Survey Section)
    Joe Rodriguez (A Btry)
    Simon Rodriguez (A Btry)
    Victor H. Rogers (ABtry)
    1LT Iver Roslund (Asst Bn S2)
    2LT James G. Rothrock Jr. (A and C Btry)
    1LT Charles Rothaermel (C Btry XO)
    SGT F.J. Roussell
    Antonio G. Ruiz (A Btry)
    Guadalupe Saenz (A Btry)
    PFC Armengol Saenz (Medic)
    1SG Sahr (C Btry 1SG)
    Santos F. Saldana (ABtry)
    Domingo Sanchez (A Btry)
    Robert S. Sanders (A Btry)
    Leroy Savoie (ABtry)
    Robert W. Sheegog (ABtry)
    Robert W. Sides (A Btry)
    S/SGT John Siepieranski (B Btry Motor Sgt and WIA Aug ’44 enemy aircraft starting)
    Israel Silva
    PFC James Sims (Medic)
    1LT Paul Sinclair (Aerial Observer)
    Ivan J. Slaughter (A Btry)
    CPL Irby Earl Slaughter (A Btry Communications)
    PFC Calvin Smith
    TEC5 James Smith (WIA?)
    TEC5 Wayne “Elliot” Smith (WIA Aug ’44 enemy aircraft strafing)
    Robert H. Smith (A Btry)
    Toby Smith
    Billy C. Snodgrass (Ammo bearer B Btry)
    CPT Thomas Snyder (B Btry CDR)
    Willie E. Sofka (A Btry)
    Paul S. Soileaul (A Btry)
    Ernest J. Sonnier (A Btry)
    Billy Spencer (A Btry)
    CPL ___ Spradlin (C Btry, Survey Team)
    Paul St. Clair (HQ Btry)
    Lowell Stamps (A Btry)
    Lawless A. Stelly (A Btry)
    PFC Gerhard Steppke (WIA Jan ’45)
    Jeff Stewart (Field Survey Instrumentation)
    Riley W. Stuckey Jr. (A Btry)
    Earnie E. Tedford (A Btry)
    Lee Testa (A Btry)
    Jack A. Thompson (A Btry)
    Joseph W. Thompson (A Btry)
    Elmer H. Totsch (A Btry, wrote the book “240” about his time in the 270th.)
    Dillard R. Tucker (A Btry)
    SSG _______ Uel (Supply Sgt)
    Carlos D. Valadez (A Btry)
    Albert M. Van De Velde (A Btry)
    1SG Vic Velvecates (A Battery 1SG)
    Robert Vaughn
    ___ Venerable
    Israel Villarreal (A Btry)
    ________ Ward
    Adam E. Wadzinski (A Btry Cook)
    1LT Carl A. Walker (A Btry Aerial Observer / Liaison Pilot)
    Harvey O. Walker (A Btry)
    CPL Harry E. Wallace (A Btry)
    SGT Robert Wallace
    Willard Watts (A Btry)
    Robert “Barry” Weigert ( Medic Bronze Star and 2ea Purple Hearts)
    Ralph W. Wendt (A Btry)
    Ted Williams (A Btry)
    CPL Lester Williams (Medic)
    James M. Williamson (A Btry)
    2LT Richard Wilson (Liaison Pilot)
    _____ Winhorn
    S/SGT Alex Woitowitz (Medic)
    John Woolard (A Btry)
    John (Jack) Wolf ( C Btry)
    S/SGT Jerome Wolney
    John E. Woloszyn (A Btry)
    Lee H.Womack (A Btry)
    John R. Woolard
    Tommy L. Wright (A Btry)
    Margarito R. Ybarra (A Btry)
    TEC3 Frank Zaleski (Medic and designed an improved Pharmacy chest)
    Richard Zule (A Btry)
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
  9. Nicelyb

    Nicelyb Active Member

    May 25, 2018
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    Significant events of the unit:
    Significant Events: Jan ’43 to Nov ’45

    25 Jan 43 - 270th Field Artillery Battalion constituted in the United States Army
    15 Mar 43 - (Letter Order# A-169 2 Army File AG322.012-5 GNMBF) Unit activated as a 105mm Howitzer unit at Camp Butner NC. Lt Col James C Gabriel assumed command.

    Officers assigned at time of activation: CPT Stone Harris, CPT Robert Hannah, CPT Howard Kingston, CPT Robert Ray, 1LT George Howze, 1LT Bernard Adams, 1LT Howard Fillmer, 1LT Thomas Snyder, 2LT Arthur Larsen, 2LT Fred Perry, 2LT Louis Fulop, 2LT Charles Rothaermel, 2LT William Battin.

    The initial compliment of enlisted men were assigned to the unit from the following: 100ea Camp Wolters TX (My Grandfather included), 119ea Camp Sam Houston TX, 70ea Camp Beauregard LA, and 99ea Fort Sill OK.
    29 Sep 43 - Master Training Plans (MTP) tests for the unit were held by HQ XIII Corps in preparation to certify the Battalion “Combat Ready”. MTPs began with individual soldier skills and moved thru collective training at each echelon. Concluding with Combined Arms exercises at Regimental or Division level.
    8-11 Nov 43 - Battery tests were taken with the 105s.
    8-14 Dec ’43 - Battalion tests were taken
    1 Jan 44 - Reorganized as a 240mm Howitzer Battalion (War Dept File AG322 (OB-I-GNNGCT-M)
    Jan-Feb 44 - MTPs started over, this time with the 240mm Howitzer
    Apr 44 - Advanced Detachment in Bewdley Worcestershire England AKA Camp Burlish.
    2-5 Apr 44- Transit from Fort Bragg NC to Fort Slocum NY
    6 Apr 44 - Deployment Ship: RMS Aquatina NYC to Scotland
    13 Apr 44 – Arrived Firth of Clyde, Scotland
    30 Apr 44 – Stationed at Pontllanfraith, Monmouthshire Wales
    31 May 44 – Stationed at Packington, Warwickshire England
    Jun/Jul 44 - Warwickshire England finalizing prep for deployment into theatre.
    21/22 Jul 44 - Waterproofing equipment and loading onto landing crafts
    24 July 44 - Landed on/near Utah Beach near Carentan France D+48
    1 Aug 44 - Bivouac at Bricquebec on the Cherbourg Peninsula Awaiting combat assignment
    2Aug 44 - Attached to 40th FA Grp Supporting XV Corps Falaise Gap sector. S2 immediately departed to Grp HQ to await orders.
    3 Aug 44 - Advanced party (Asst S2 and Survey Section) departed for Grp HQ to link up with S2
    5 Aug 44 - Attached to 144th FA Grp. Departed bivouac traveled to village of St. Germaine and established overnight bivouac. B Btry 456th AAA Bn assigned.
    6 Aug 44 - Departed bivouac and traveled to rendezvous area near Bourgeneuf. Frago and Bn established overnight bivouac near St. Ouen-des-Toits.
    7 Aug 44 - Departed bivouac and commenced travel to Les Chenes Sec. Established an overnight bivouac at this location
    8 Aug 44 - Bn moved to rendezvous area appts. 2km from Cosse-en-Champagne. First POWs captured. CPT George Howze (Asst S3) captured 8 POWs while on Recon mission.
    9 Aug 44 - Established bivouac near St. George Du Bois
    10 Aug 44 - Departed bivouac moving to Chanteloup and established overnight bivouac
    11 Aug 44 - Moved to rendezvous area near the village of Sables. Moved into firing positions near Morreles-des-Baults.
    12 Aug 44 - 1129hrs The first rounds were fired. A &B Btry fired Btry 1 round and C Btry #1 gun firing 1 rd at a separate target.
    12 Aug 44 - Departed Morreles-des-Baults for bivouac area near Barville. Strafed by enemy bombers, no casualties or damage.
    15 Aug 44 - Departed Barville for bivouac area near La Loupe.
    16 Aug 44 - Multiple strafing runs by Luftwaffe on bivouac area. AAA fire and machine guns drove off the attack. Resulting in 1ea German ME109 being shot down. Pilot was recovered unhurt, but plane was destroyed.
    18 Aug 44 - Departed La Loupe for firing positions near Tertre St Denis. Conducted fire missions from this location until 21 Aug.
    21 Aug 44 - Departed Tertre St Denis for new firing positions near Mantes-Gassicourt. In support of the Seine River Crossing. Lots of enemy air activity but no damage or casualties
    22 Aug 44 - William Harvey, Wayne Lidgard, John Siepieranski and Elliot Smith WIA by Aircraft strafing. Enemy air activity most of the day
    23 Aug 44 - Lots of enemy air activity but no damage or casualties
    29 Aug 44 - Departed Mantes-Gassicourt for assembly area near Bossy
    31 Aug 44 - Departed Boissey for bivouac area near Gastins.

    Month of August 1944, Battalion traveled apprx. 600km with no serious mechanical issues

    1 Sep 44 - Detached from 144th FA Grp and attached to 33rd FA Bde. B Btry 456th AAA Bn detached and replaced with D Btry 551th AAA Btry
    5 Sep 44 - Detached 33rd FA Bde and attached to XX Corps
    6 Sep 44 - Departed Gastins enroute to bivouac area vicinity Ft De Landrecourt. Assigned XX Corps Artillery.
    7 Sep 44 - Arrived Ft De Landrecourt bivouac area
    8 Sep 44 - Departed Ft De Landrecourt established bivouac area near Puxieux. Strafed by enemy air No damage or injuries.
    9 Sep 44 - Departed Puxieux for firing positions vicinity Buxieres. D Btry 551th AAA Bn was replaced with A Btry 455th AAA Bn.
    9-30 Sep 44 - Supported 5th ID (Crossing of the Moselle River at Arnaville) as part of the 203rd FA Grp XX Corps
    13 Sep 44 - One gun (C Btry #2 gun) was moved to Batilly with the mission to fire on bridges over the Moselle River near the city of Metz
    14 Sep 44 - C Btry was attached to 195th FA Grp

    Month of September 1944, Battalion traveled apprx. 210km with no serious mechanical issues

    8 Oct 44 - Butner Btry assigned to Bn. (Butner Btry was captured enemy guns used by Allied forces. Welcomed addition due to rationing of American ammunition)
    18 Oct 44 - Tec4 Wayne Lidgard, Tec5 William Harvey and Tec5 Wayne Smith awarded Purple Heart. Reason unknown at this time.
    22 Oct 44 - A Btry 455th AAA Bn was replaced by their sister battery B Btry
    26 Oct 44 - A Btry was assigned to 90th DIV Arty and moved to Set Marie-aux-Chenes. Mission was to support the forthcoming attack on Metz
    29 Oct 44 - Inspection team from Office of the Artillery Officer, HQ TUSA arrived. No corrections needed.
    30 Oct 44 - Detached from 203rd FA Grp and reassigned under HQ III Corps Artillery.

    Month of October 1944, Battalion hampered by US ammunition shortages and opened the way for the use of captured guns and ammo. HQ and B Btry was with BN CP, A Btry was attached to 90th Inf Div Arty and C Btry was still with the 195th FA Grp.

    2 Nov 44 - Relieved from 203rd FA Grp control and assigned to 195th FA Grp.
    3 Nov 44 - Butner Btry equipment was passed to the 277th FA Bn. B Btry 455th AAA Bn was relived of duty with this Bn. Bn departed for bivouac area vicinity Bois D’ Ottange. A and C Btry rejoined Bn at this time.
    6 Nov 44 - Fortress Imerhof taken over from 241st FA Bn. with the mission to support the crossing of the Moselle River by the 95th Div.
    15 Nov 44 - John Hummer (Asst Bn S2) KIA by enemy mortar fire appts. 1430hrs just south of the city of Thionville on the East bank of the Moselle River.

    16 Nov 44 -
    Departed Fortress Imerhof and assembled near Thionville
    19 Nov 44 - Departed Thionville and assumed positions near the town of Bousse.
    20 Nov 44 - A Btry was detached to 193rd FA Grp
    21 Nov 44 - Departed Bousse enroute to Hunting
    23 Nov 44 - Bn moved from Hunting to Kirsch-les-Sierck
    24 Nov 44 - A Btry rejoins Bn. At 1643hrs First rounds fired that landed in Germany. Sinz Germany was the target and Prince Felix of Luxembourg pulled the lanyard of A Btry gun.
    26 Nov 44 - Departed Kirsch-les-Sierck and established firing positions near Lacroix. Mission was interdiction fires on several enemy held towns.
    30 Nov 44 - Departed Lacroix and established positions near Colmen. B Btry 551st AAA Bn in support

    Month of November 1944, Battalion traveled apprx. 225km with only minor mechanical issues. Bn plagued by extremely poor weather conditions in Nov.

    Dec 44 to Jan 45 - Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes)
    5 Dec 44 - Departed Lacroix and established CP in Furweiler Germany. First Bn CP established in Germany.
    16 Dec 44 -
    Using High Performance Aircraft to adjust fire, B and C Btry fired upon a rail yard near Korprich
    21 Dec 44 - Departed Furweiler GE and established firing positions near Waldweistroff GE with the mission of counter-battery and harassing fire ISO 90th Inf Division
    25 Dec 44 - 1830hrs First firing of the Posit fuse.
    26 Dec 44 - D Btry 455th AAA Bn was replaced with B Btry 455th AAA Bn

    Month of December 1944 saw minimal enemy air activity until last week the month. 1ea KIA and 3ea WIA from the supporting AAA Bn due to enemy air bombing.
  10. Nicelyb

    Nicelyb Active Member

    May 25, 2018
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    Significant Events part 2

    1 Jan 45 - Eugene Anspach (Motor Officer and Liaison Pilot/Observer) and LaVerne Emberts (Asst Bn S2 and Liaison Pilot/Aerial Observer) shot down over Germany Both KIA

    13 Jan 45 -
    C Btry was strafed by “Friendly” Aircraft
    14 Jan 45 - PFC Gerhard Steppke WIA,
    21 Jan 45 - C Btry displaced to Betting continuing to support 94th Div

    Month of January 1945 saw the assignment of 4ea additional officers to cover duties as Liaison Pilot, and various other firing Btry assignments

    1 Feb 45 -
    Mission is to support 94th Inf Div and 3rd Cav Grp
    17 Feb 45 - S/SGT Edward Raetz receives a battlefield commission to 2LT
    19 Feb 45 - Bn moves to the vicinity of Ritzing to support 94th Inf Div and 10th Armored Div
    22 Feb - Battalion moves to Dittlingen GE
    28 Feb - Battalion (-) minus B Btry moved forward to vicinity Saarburg GE. B Btry stays at Merzkirchen

    Month of Febuary 1945 consisted mostly of harrasing fires in support of the 94th Inf Div

    2 Mar 45 -
    C Btry was attached to 243rd FA Bn
    7 Mar 45 - Battalion moves to Wawern GE
    15 Mar 45 - Battalion moves to Ober-Zerf GE, Part of the 195th FA Group for the uncovering of the Siegfried line and the pursuit thru the Palatinate
    17 Mar 45 - Chasing a retreating enemy, the Battalion moves to Bergen GE
    18 Mar 45 - Battalion moves to Nunkirchen GE
    19 Mar 45 - Battalion again relocates to Lebach GE
    21 Mar 45 - Battalion displaces to Mackenbach GE
    24 Mar 45 - Battalion moves to Odenbach GE
    26 Mar 45 - Battalion moves to Volxheim GE
    27 Mar 45 - Still with the 195th FA Grp for the crossing of the Rhine river, Battalion moves to Ober-Olm GE
    29 Mar 45 - Final rounds fired vicinity Barstadt Germany appts. 0600hrs. Relieved of duty with XX Corps Artillery
    30 Mar 45 - Reassigned to the 3rd Army. Motor marched to Bad-Kreuznach GE and ordered to prepare equipment for indefinite storage and assigned Line of Communication duty

    Month of March 1945 saw a lot of movements while chasing a rapid retreating enemy.

    1 Apr 45 -
    Relived of defense of the Rhine bridge 270 (Boppard) and 271 (St. Goar) by the 276th Inf, 70th ID
    Apr thru Sep 45 - Assumptions being that the unit was assigned to the TUSA Provost Marshal for Lines of Communication defense and POW guard duties
    1 Oct 45Departed Le Havre on troopship (? Possibly USAT Edmund B. Alexander or General Alexander E. Anderson, maybe even the Kingston Victory, but there are other possibilities)
    24 Oct 45 - Arrived Boston Port of Embarkation
    25 Oct 45 - Inactivated at Camp Myles Standish, MA
    13 Jun 46 - Redesignated as the 198th Tank Battalion, Mississippi National Guard

    Rounds fired by month/year.

    1944 = 3780ea 240mm and 709ea rounds of captured enemy ammo (Butner Battery)

    Aug; 834ea, Sep; 1059ea, Oct; 311/709ea, Nov; 428ea, Dec; 1148ea

    1945 = 3512ea 240mm

    Jan; 563ea, Feb; 1357ea, Mar; 1592ea
  11. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Did you get a copy of the Battalion AAR or History?
    Nicelyb likes this.
  12. Nicelyb

    Nicelyb Active Member

    May 25, 2018
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    I have the AARs. If there is an official unit history written, I have not able to find it. I have a copy of the book written about the unit and a few newsletters, etc..

    My biggest trouble is filling in some time gaps in the AARs. Activities leading up to crossing the channel and stuff like that.
    No action, so not much need for an After Action Report.

    my Grandfather was assigned to the 270th out of Camp Wolters TX. Trying to track down his training pipeline is hard with the archives in St Louis closed and being unable to get his records.
  13. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    That is why finding a battalion "History" or "Historical Record" is valuable, but not all units prepared those. The "Reports, After-Action, After-Action Reports" were only completed, well, after actions. So everything prior to that tends to disappear. The AAR was supposed to have a cover page detailing unit history, changes in personnel, marches, decorations, and the like, but that was often omitted or only given as "inclosures" (US Army speak for an "enclosure"), which frequently got filed separatly from the AAR.
  14. Nicelyb

    Nicelyb Active Member

    May 25, 2018
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    I am thinking another trip to the Archives is needed. I am a little smarter on what i am looking for and how to look/ask for it, so i may luck into some new stuff. My next phase of research is to dig deeper into the units the 270th was attached to, and look for mentions, etc.. in their AARs, etc..
  15. Nicelyb

    Nicelyb Active Member

    May 25, 2018
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    My attempts at being an optimist and gathering the names of all the men assigned to the Battalion without using the National Archives for Unit Rosters have failed and am going to admit defeat. If I haven't figured it out in the 2+ years i have been searching, i am not going to. I did manage to get 270ish names out of the 478 assigned.
    Tipnring likes this.
  16. Nicelyb

    Nicelyb Active Member

    May 25, 2018
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    I received a copy of the unit rosters as of Mar ‘43. 3ea line batteries and the HQ battery. I am now up to 415 names with the HQ still to go. Funny, but my Grandfather wasn’t assigned the the unit yet.

    Not as easy as I initially thought it would be. Photocopies of documents typed nearly 80 years ago are not crystal clear. Been using the AAD from the National Archives to cross reference service numbers or partial names. Still not 100%, since some of the numbers are hard to read or not in the AAD.

    I will more than likely get a second copy of the rosters circa the mid part of ‘45 to see who moved in and out of the battalion between the 2 periods.
    Tipnring likes this.
  17. Nicelyb

    Nicelyb Active Member

    May 25, 2018
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    Looking for which “Cigarette Camp” the 270th Field Artillery Battalion passed thru on the way home from the war circa Sep ‘45

    the unit departed Le Havre 1 Oct ‘45, but no mention of which camp they stayed at.

    Thru the units AARs, I found that they entered Europe at Firth of Clyde Scotland 13 Apr ‘44 and it would be cool to know where they left from. The AARs don’t mention much since there wasn’t much action to do a report afterwards.

    departed on troopship Edmund Alexander or the Gen Alexander Anderson or maybe even the Kingston Victory. I got mixed info when I tried to pin down which boat took them home.
  18. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    New York Port of Embarkation. Departed 6 April 1944 on the Aquitania. Convoy AT-106. .
  19. Nicelyb

    Nicelyb Active Member

    May 25, 2018
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    Part 1 of the updated roster. I am by far not an expert researcher and there is bound to be some mistakes.
    Mostly in alphabetical order according to last names

    PVT Ignaco Adam (C Btry)
    CPT Bernard Adams (C Btry CDR)
    PVT Celedonio Aguilar (C Btry)
    SSG Carl Aldrich (B Btry)
    PVT Martin Aleman (C Btry)
    PVT Robert E. Allison (HQ Btry)
    PVT Margarito Alvarez (A Btry)
    PVT Joe Anderson (C Btry)
    CPL Herman “Tom” Anderson (A Btry)
    PVT Raymond Anderson (C Btry)
    SSG Frank S. Andrasovsky (HQ Btry)
    PVT Freddie Andres (A Btry)
    SGT Ira Andrews (B Btry)

    1LT Eugene Anspach (Motor Officer, Liaison Pilot/Observer shot down over Germany KIA 2 Jan ’45)

    PVT Serafin Arellano (B Btry)
    PVT Wivis Arnaud (B Btry)
    PVT Enlow C. Arnold (HQ Btry)
    MAJ Luther Arnold (Bn XO)
    PFC Merle Arnold (Ammo Handler A Btry)
    Ward Ashford (B Btry Survey Team)
    SSG Edwin (EE) Atteberry Sr (After the war was commissioned as a LT in the Texas NG.)
    PVT John Aydam (C Btry)
    PVT Richard Bailes (C Btry)
    TEC5 Frank Baker
    TEC4 Delbert H. Ballengee (HQ Btry FDC Instrument Operator, Commissioned in Reserves and retired as a CPT, Instructed at the FA School, FSOK)
    Morris Barker (C Btry Instrument Section later transferred to Pilot Training and was commissioned as a 2LT. Shot down and was a POW)
    PVT Roger Baribeault
    PVT Morris Barker (C Btry)
    PVT Marvin Barnett (B Btry)
    PVT Daniel L. Barron (HQ Btry)
    TEC5 William Basham
    2LT William Battin
    PVT Ernest Bauer (C Btry)
    TEC4 Herbert Baumann (B Btry Bronze Star)
    SGT Vernard Beach (A Btry)
    PVT Titus J. Bean (B Btry)
    TEC5 Thomas E. Bean (HQ Btry)
    PVT William Beard (B Btry)
    PVT Melvin C. Beaty (HQ Btry)
    PVT Gilberto Benevidez (HQ Btry)
    CPL Harry S. Bennett (HQ Btry)
    PVT Lyle Bensley (C Btry)
    CPL Wilbourn E. Benton (HQ Btry)
    PVT Hardy S. Black (HQ Btry)
    PVT Benny R. Blankenship (B Btry)
    PVT Elmer L. Bliss (B Btry)
    CPL Dan Bloom (C Btry, Survey Team)
    PVT William H. Boatman (HQ Btry)
    PVT Prentice D. Boddy (HQ Btry)
    2LT Ambrose Boles
    George Bolton
    PVT Laurence J. Bonin (HQ Btry)
    Henry “Cecil” Borne
    PVT Jessie Bowden (C Btry)
    PVT William B. Bowlin (HQ Btry)
    PVT Albert Branson (C Btry)
    John W. Bradshaw (A Btry)
    PVT Alva Bradley (HQ Btry)
    PFC J.B. Brantley (HQ and C Btry Wire Section)
    Brewster Branz
    PVT Jack V. Brashier (HQ Btry)
    John Bready (B Btry Survey Team)
    PVT Charles Breeding (A Btry)
    TEC5 Victor A. Brillowski (HQ Btry)
    SGT John C. Bristow (B Btry)
    PVT Lilburn R. Britton (HQ Btry)
    SGT William P. Brooks (HQ Btry)
    PVT Bobby Brown (C Btry)
    PVT Grady K. Brown (HQ Btry)
    PVT J.P. Brownlee (C Btry)
    PVT Raul Buentello (A Btry)
    SSG Robert E. Burgoyne (HQ Btry)
    PFC J.B. Burlison (B Btry)
    PVT Obadiah Burns
    Pat Burns (A Btry)
    PVT ____ W. Butler (B Btry)
    PVT William D. Byrd (HQ Btry)
    Robert F Byrnes
    PVT Steve D. Calvert (HQ Btry)
    PVT George Canales (A Btry)
    CPL Martin Candelaria (HQ Btry)
    PVT Domingo G. Cantu (B Btry)
    PVT Victoriano Cantu (B Btry)
    TEC 4 Jack Carbury ( A Btry Motor Sgt)
    PVT Rollen Cate (C Btry)
    PVT Raby J. Carr (B Btry)
    PVT Edward Carrillo (B Btry)
    PVT Alva Carter (B Btry)
    SGT Donald E. Carter (HQ Btry Wire Section)
    PVT Estaban Castillo (B Btry)
    _____ Catnell
    CPL Milton A. Cavanaugh (HQ Btry)
    PFC Oscar Chandler ( B Btry Taxicab robbery @ Camp Butner)
    Edwin Chastain (A Btry)
    PVT Elodio Chavez (C Btry)
    PVT Gilbert J. Cheramie (B Btry)
    PVT Rick Cheramie (C Btry)
    PVT Elmer L. Childers (B Btry)
    CPT Angelo Cicciu (Btry XO)
    PVT Bentura Cipriano (C Btry)
    PVT Jim D. Clark (HQ Btry)
    TEC5 Warren H. Clay (HQ Btry)
    PVT Norman L. Clements (HQ Btry)
    PVT James Cobb (C Btry)
    SGT John Coke (A Btry, Intel Plt)
    PVT Aubrey Cole (C Btry)
    PVT Duke L. Collins (HQ Btry)
    PVT Guy N. Collins (B Btry)
    PVT Norman B. Collins (A Btry)
    PVT Woodson S. Colwell (HQ Btry)
    PVT Carl E. Connelly (B Btry)
    PVT Erbie Conley (C Btry)
    Charles Conrod (A Btry)
    TEC4 Charles Cormendy ( A Btry Gun Mechanic)
    PVT Benjamin E. Cook (HQ Btry)
    PVT LorIn Cook (A Btry)
    PVT Ernest W. Copley (HQ Btry)
    PVT James J. Cosgrove (HQ Btry)
    PVT Owen Cottrell (A Btry)
    SSG Vernon I. Coty (HQ Btry)
    PVT Raymond Couchman (A Btry)
    PVT Mayo Courville (HQ Btry)
    PVT Riveous E. Crain (HQ Btry)
    PVT Julian H. Craven (HQ Btry)
    PVT Rayford Croft (A Btry - Transferred to Infantry)
    PVT Bobby E. Crow (HQ Btry)
    PVT Vicente E.V. Cuellar (HQ Btry)
    MAJ Paul Culberson (Hq Btry CDR)
    1SG Merle Cummings (A Btry 1SG)
    PVT Noel M. Cummings (HQ Btry)
    PVT James Currie (A Btry)
    PVT Tomy P. Cutler (HQ Btry)
    PFC Ernest R. Dagley (C Btry)
    Frank Daly Jr. (A Btry)
    PVT Henry Davee (C Btry)
    PVT Manuel Davila (C Btry)
    PVT Darrel D. Davis (HQ Btry)
    David W. Davis (A Btry)
    PVT Paul H. Davis (HQ Btry)
    PVT Regnier Davis (C Btry)
    CPL Virgil P. Davis (HQ Btry)
    PVT Tito Degollado (C Btry)
    SSG Louis F. Derix (HQ Btry)
    TEC 5 Alfred Dickerson (A Btry)
    SGT Adam Dittenbir (B Btry)
    PVT Edwin E. Dement (HQ Btry)
    SGT Frank DeMercy (Commo / Wire Section)
    PFC Roy Denman (Medic)
    PVT James C. Dilbeck (HQ Btry)
    PVT Domingo C. Dominguez (B Btry)
    PVT Robert H. Dorsey (HQ Btry)
    PVT John T. Doughty (HQ Btry)
    Demand Doucet (C Btry)
    PVT Joseph D. Doyle (HQ Btry)
    PVT Guy R. Dulin (A Btry)
    PVT L.D. Dunlap (B Btry)
    Daniel J. Dunn (A Btry)
    PVT James M. Dunn (HQ Btry)
    2LT Fidel Dunne
    PVT Sherman D. Duty (HQ Btry)
    PVT Jesse Dyess (HQ Btry Vehicle Mechanic) (See audio interview link below)
    TEC4 John DZielinski (C Btry)
    TEC5 Frank E. Eason Jr (HQ Btry)
    PVT Charles J. Edens (HQ Btry)
    PVT Clovis Z. Edwards (A Btry)
    PVT John E. Eitson (HQ Btry)
    TEC 4 Dan J. Ellis (HQ Btry)
    PVT William A. Ellis (HQ Btry)
    2LT Duane Ellingham
    Calvin C. Elmore (A Btry)
    PVT Herman F. Elmer (B Btry)

    1LT LaVerne Emberts (Liaison Pilot shot down over Germany KIA 2 Jan ’45) (Buried Plot1, Row5, Grave 14 Luxembourg Cemetery Luxembourg)

    TEC 5 John Endresen (A Btry)
    PVT Junior M. English (HQ Btry)
    2LT Frank Esposito (Asst. Bn S2 and Survey Officer, Aerial Observer)
    PVT Earl S. Esteves (HQ Btry)
    PVT Jack Faciane (C Btry)
    PVT Willie Faircloth (A Btry)
    PVT Wilmer Falcon (C Btry)
    PVT John B. Farmer (B Btry)
    PVT Charlie E. Farrell (HQ Btry)
    Walter Ferens (A Btry)
    PVT Dale E. Fickinger (HQ Btry)
    Edward Fielder (A Btry)
    CPT Howard Fillmer (HQ Btry CDR and COMO)
    PVT Daniel Fletcher (A Btry - Transferred to Infantry)
    PVT Luis A. Flores (A Btry)
    PVT Clyde Fondren (C Btry)
    PVT Edward A. Foster Jr. (A Btry)
    PVT Bennie H. Foster (A Btry)
    PVT Arlon Fowler (HQ and A Btry)
    PVT Luis Franco (HQ Btry)
    PVT Arthur Franklin (C Btry)
    PVT Alfred J. Freelich (B Btry)
    PVT Texas Freeman (C Btry)
    PVT James C, Frye (HQ Btry)
    2LT Louis Fulop
    PVT Dewey Fulton (C Btry)
    LTC James C. Gabriel (Bn CDR)
    PVT George Garcia (C Btry)
    PVT Roy Garza (C Btry)
    TEC4 Chester Gembski
    PVT Hulin B. Gentis (HQ Btry)
    TEC4 Bernard W. Gerwolls (HQ Btry)
    PVT Robert Giddiness (C Btry)
    PVT Herman F. Glenn (B Btry)
    PVT Carlos Gloria (C Btry)
    PVT Ulus S. Gill (B Btry)
    PFC Robert H. Gittinger (HQ Btry)
    PFC Peter Giussago (B Btry)
    PVT William H. Glover (B Btry)
    PFC William R. Gooch (C Btry)
    PVT Finley Goode (C Btry)
    PVT Alfred H. Gonzales (A Btry)
    PVT Anselmo Gonzales (C Btry)
    PVT Bonito Gonzales (A Btry)
    PVT Cruz H. Gonzalez (B Btry)
    PVT Joe Gonzalez (B Btry)
    PVT Raul Gonzales (HQ Btry Medic)
    PVT William Gordon (C Btry)
    PVT Eddie Graham (A Btry)
    CPL James Graves (C Btry, Survey Team)
    PVT Patrick A. Greeley (HQ Btry)
    PVT L.D. Green (B Btry)
    John W. Greene (A Btry)
    PVT Henry M Green (A Btry)
    PVT Elmo Greenhill (C Btry)
    PVT Roy Griffin (C Btry)
    Peter Giussago
    PVT Alejandro S. Guerra (B Btry)
    2LT Charles Gurganus
    PVT Henry Gutierrez (A Btry)
  20. Nicelyb

    Nicelyb Active Member

    May 25, 2018
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    Part 2

    2LT Louis Haberkorn
    PVT Ralph Hall (C Btry)
    PVT Raymond B. Hall (HQ Btry Medic)
    PVT Hall (Field Survey Instrumentation)
    PVT Charlie W. Hamm (HQ Btry)
    Lewis S. Hammonds (A Btry)
    PVT Robert L. Hampton (B Btry)
    PVT Charles N. Haner (HQ Btry)
    1SG Paul E. Hanifan (HQ Btry)
    MAJ Robert Hannah (Bn S3)
    PVT Orval L. Harris (B Btry)
    PVT Robert Harris (B Btry)
    CPT Stone Harris
    PVT Loyd I. Hart (HQ Btry)
    TEC5 William Harvey (WIA Aug ’44 enemy aircraft strafing) (C Btry Crane Operator)
    PVT Jesse B. Harvill (B Btry)
    PVT Charles R. Hatcher (HQ Btry)
    1LT Lloyd R. Hawley (A Btry XO)
    PVT Thomas Hayman (C Btry)
    PVT Clarence E. Headley (HQ Btry)
    TEC5 John H. Heath (HQ Btry)
    PVT John C. Heiskill (HQ Btry)
    PVT George Henderson (HQ Btry)
    PVT William Herbsleb (HQ Btry)
    Eliot Herman
    PVT Pedro L. Hernandez (HQ Btry)
    PVT Rojelio O. Hernandez ( A Btry Machine Gunner)
    PVT James L. Hess (HQ Btry)
    PVT Edward P. Hicks (B Btry)
    SGT John High (C Btry)
    PVT Herman H. Hill (B Btry)
    TEC5 Bernard Hillebrandt (HQ Btry Medic)
    SSG Yarley Hilden (B Btry)
    PVT Mandell E. Hilton (HQ Btry)
    John W. Hinton (A Btry)
    SGT George Hodder (C Btry)
    TEC5 Jack Hodges (C Btry)
    PVT John Hoffman (C Btry)
    SGT John Hollebeek (A Btry Transferred to Infantry)
    PVT Paul Holloman (C Btry)
    PVT Kenneth Holmes (C Btry)
    PVT Raymond Holtsclaw (C Btry)
    PVT Thomas Hopkins (C Btry)
    SSG Fred S. Hopson (A Btry Forward Observer)
    PVT Robert E. “Red” Horton (C Btry)
    PVT Joseph H. Hostetler (HQ Btry)
    PVT Arthur R. Hotard (HQ Btry)
    PVT Jack Houseberg (C Btry)
    MAJ George Howze (Asst S3 and A Battery CDR) (Captured Bn’s first POWs 8ea on 8 Aug 44)
    PVT Henry Huckabee (C Btry)
    PVT Elmer (Eugene) Hughes (HQ Btry)

    1LT John Hummer (Asst. Bn S2 and Survey Officer) (KIA 1430hrs 15 Nov ’44 by enemy mortar fire near city of Thionville on the East bank of Moselle River)

    Paul Hummer
    PVT Buell Hunter (A Btry)
    TEC5 Lavern A. Hunter (B Btry)
    PVT Pablo H. Infante (A Btry)
    PVT Taz W. Irwin (HQ Btry)
    PVT J.P. Issacs (A Btry)
    PVT Allen Jackson (C Btry)
    PVT John F. Jett (A Btry)
    PVT Enrique Jimenez (C Btry)
    PVT Ignacio Jimenez (C Btry)
    PVT Willie W. Johns (B Btry)
    PVT Archie Johnson (C Btry)
    PVT Esias J. Johnson (A Btry)
    PVT James A. Johnson (HQ Btry)
    PVT Robert E. Johnson (HQ Btry)
    PVT Melvin W. Johnston (B Btry)
    PVT Arnold W. Jones (B Btry)
    PVT John Jones (C Btry)
    CPL Billy H. Jordan (A Btry)
    PVT Charles R. Jordan (HQ Btry)
    PVT Louis Kamitchis (C Btry)
    TEC5 Albert Kaskisto (C Btry)
    SSG Louis Kawucha (Field Survey Instrumentation C Btry)
    PVT James B. Keith (HQ Btry)
    CPL Charles P. Kelly (HQ Btry)
    PVT Jack R. Kelley (HQ Btry)
    PFC James Kidwell (C Btry, Survey Team)
    PVT Joseph Kidwell (C Btry)
    PVT Norman L. Kiefer (HQ Btry)
    PVT Richard F. Kindle (HQ Btry)
    CPT Howard Kingston
    PVT Steve Kiolbessa (C Btry)
    PVT Louis E. Kirby (HQ Btry)
    2LT Phillip Klatman
    PVT Donald L. Kline (HQ Btry)
    PVT Lester R. Kluting (A Btry)
    2LT Gerald Knackstedt (A Btry)
    SGT James C. Knause (HQ Btry)
    Walter S. Kohl (A Btry)
    PVT Elmer L. Koons (B Btry)
    SSG Frank M. Koscica (HQ Btry)
    1LT Cyrille John LaBlanc (Aerial Observer / Liaison Pilot)
    PVT Harry l. Lambiotte (HQ Btry)
    CPT Dudok Langerak (Bn S4 and CO of Svc Btry)
    PVT James E. Langford (A Btry)
    2LT Arthur Larsen
    PVT Santiago T. Lartique (B Btry)
    PVT Merrill G. Lawrence (B Btry)
    CPL Louis Leal (.50 Cal MG squad)
    PVT William M. “Max” Lee (A Btry)
    PVT Curtis LeNorman (C Btry)
    2LT Alvan Levenson
    PVT Noble F. Lewis (HQ Btry)
    William Kelly “Dub” Lewis (Hq Btry)
    TEC4 Wayne Lidgard (WIA Aug ’44 enemy aircraft strafing) (C Btry Crane Operator)
    PVT Eugene A. Lockwood (HQ Bty)
    PVT Hunter L. Logan (B Btry)
    PVT Arthur G. Lopez (B Btry)
    CPL William W. Loftin (HQ Btry)
    PVT Robert P. Lovato (HQ Btry)
    TEC5 John S. Lowandowski (HQ Btry)
    PVT Marvin Lowe (C Btry)
    CPL Phillip J. Loyacano (B Btry)
    PFC David Luker (A Btry)
    2LT Charles Madden (A Btry)
    TEC5 Robert J. Madeira (HQ Btry)
    ______ _Manecia
    Tec5 George Marcak (Purple Heart wounded 31 July 1943 New Georgie Island prior to joining unit on 23 Nov 1943)
    PVT Daniel Marcelle (HQ Btry)
    CPL Frank Marcelletti (C Btry)
    PVT J.W. Martin (C Btry)
    PVT Richard C. Martin (HQ Btry)
    CWO Robert Martin (Bn S1 / Adjutant)
    SGT Cyril Martens (C Btry)
    Francis C. Martines (A Btry)
    PVT Bacilio V. Martinez (A Btry)
    PVT Francis C. Martinez (HQ Btry)
    PVT Francisco Martinez (C Btry)
    PVT Marcelino Martinez (C Btry)
    PFC Marcos H. Martinez (B Btry
    PVT James Mason (C Btry)
    SSG Olin Mason (C Btry)
    PVT Victor M. Mathews (HQ Btry)
    PVT Estarislado L. Mauricio (A Btry)
    PVT Lous P. Mayer (HQ Btry)
    PVT James Mayton (C Btry)
    Anthony J. Mele (A Btry)
    PVT Bell F. McCann (HQ Btry)
    PVT Clarence McCollum (B Btry)
    SGT Charles McCord (C Btry)
    PVT Carlton L. McCray (A Btry)
    PVT Charlie R. McClain (A Btry)
    PVT Dell E. McCuistian (HQ Btry)
    PVT Orville McDaniel (C Btry)
    SSG Robert M. McDonald (HQ Btry)
    PVT Earl R. McDow (A Btry)
    Burl “Mac” McGraw
    PVT J.C. McIver (B Btry)
    PVT Virgil W. McKee (B Btry)
    PVT John D. McKinght (B Btry)
    PVT Charles McKinney (A Btry)
    SSG Matthew McLellan (B Btry)
    PVT Marvin R. McQueen (HQ Btry)
    Anthony Mele (A Btry)
    PVT Prospero Melendez (B Btry)
    PVT James E. Melton (B Btry)
    PVT Cesario Mendez (C Brty)
    PVT Wyatt A. Mercer (B Btry)
    PVT Edwin C. Merrell (B Btry)
    PVT Hilton W. Mertz (HQ Btry)
    PVT Clarence Meyers (B Btry)
    William A. Meyers (A Btry)
    PVT Jerry Michalsky (A Btry)
    MSG Harry W. Michels (HQ Btry)
    CPT Roger P Michels (Bn Surgeon)
    PVT Herbert Mills (B Btry)
    PVT Jack Miller (HQ Btry)
    2LT Gray O. Miller
    PVT Roy D. Mills (HQ Btry)
    PVT Ramon Miralas (B Btry)
    PVT Ridgely Moise (HQ Btry)
    PVT Clarence J. Monceaux (B Btry)
    PVT Chester G. Montgomery (HQ Btry)
    PVT Estevan Montoya (HQ Btry)
    PVT Wilson J. Moran (HQ Btry)
    PVT I Johnie W. Morgan (A Btry)
    PVT William S. Morgan (HQ Btry)
    TEC5 Kenneth G. Moore (HQ Btry)
    PVT Cecil L. Moore (B Btry)
    TEC4 Kenneth Moore (Medic)
    2LT Carrol N. Morris (A Btry)
    Phillip Morris
    PVT Perry Moye (A Btry)
    PVT Bert A. Mullen (A Btry)
    Buck Mullens (A Btry Ammo SGT)
    PVT Marion W. Mullican (A Btry)
    Wilson Mullican (A Btry)
    CPT Paul Murphy (Svc Btry CDR and Bn Motor Officer)
    PVT Walder J. Murray (HQ Btry)
    TEC4 Andrew A. Myers (HQ Btry)
    PVT William A. Myers (A Btry)
    SGT Hilbert Nagel (C Btry)
    PVT Benjamin F. Nale (HQ and A Btry)
    CPL Phillip Narcomy
    PVT Billy J. Neal (A Btry)
    PVT Gilbert Nelson ( A Btry Taxicab robbery @ Camp Butner)
    SGT Harold F. Nickel (A Btry Motor Sgt)
    PVT Ray F. Noble (A Btry)
    PVT Elmer R. Nolen (HQ Btry)
    James O’Brien (C Btry, Survey Team)
    SSG Warren Olsen (B Btry)
    TEC 4 Leo Olszewski (C Btry)
    TEC 5 August Oprzadek (A Btry Cook)
    PVT Orville Osborne (C Btry)

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